Meet, Theo Galavan

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Song: Hostage by Billie Eilish

I woke up in an unrecognizable room strapped to some metal contraption. I looked to my right to see Jerome waking up and saw the others we had been sitting with wake up too.

"What the hell is this place?" Greenwood asked as he looked around at his new surroundings.

"It ain't Arkham, anyhow," Jerome said looking around the room then he looked at Greenwood with a smirk, "Things are looking up."

A tall handsome man with black hair and a crisp black suit on, walked into the room. Followed by a beautiful young women with long black hair tied into a ponytail. He stared at us as he walked in front so he could face us all.

"Welcome, everyone." He said as he stopped walking to turn and face us. "My name is Theo Galavan. This is my sister, Tabitha."

Tabitha walked to stand beside him.

Everyone started talking all at once, bombarding him with questions while Jerome just stared at him with interest and respect. I wriggled my wrists against the restraints, trying to free myself in hopes of escaping. Theo put his hand up motioning for everyone to stop talking and pay attention to him so he could speak.

"I understand your feeling confused....." He began pacing in front of us. "Scared, a little groggy, but please, relax. Today is the first day of a wonderful future for all of you. If you want it"

I studied him carefully as he walked closer to me, keeping his eyes on Jerome.

"Who are you?" I blurted out, curious on what this mans motives where and what he wants with us.

"Well now the question is, who are you?" He replied, squinting his eyes like it would help to answer his own question.

I stare at him intently, listening as he continued.

"The world sees criminal lunatics."

"And what do you see?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

"I see brilliance." He turned and looked at Jerome beside me and started to pace again.

"I see charisma. And power," He stopped walking and stood in front of me, "I see power."

"Yes! Exactly, my man." Jerome said with a wide grin.

"That is so spooky. That is me to a T. These other bozos," Jerome looked around at us so call bozos then looked back at Theo.

"I don't know, but your singing my song." I watched as Jeromes smile grew wider.

"Quiet, Jerome." Richard Sionis spoke up causing everyone to turn their heads towards him.

"Keep talking." He nodded to Theo.

"Imagine a group of brilliant outlaws such as yourselves, each selected for a unique ability, all working together as a team. Imagine the synergy. Imagine the impact. Gotham would tremble before you." Theo said.

I smiled to myself at the thought of this whole city down on their knees, begging me for mercy.

"Well, that sounds fabulous," Barbara interrupted, "but I'm not a brilliant outlaw. I just have... hmm... Issues." I rolled my eyes at Barbara's lack of enthusiasm.

"You have ferocity and beauty and desire. And thats enough." Theo said standing in front of her, staring into her eyes.

"Come with me, Barbara," he said putting a hand under her chin, "whatever you want in the world, its yours."

Maniac // Jerome Valeska x Sabrina CarpenterWhere stories live. Discover now