Chapter 11

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One week Later

James POV

I have been sitting next to her for a week now; she looks so peaceful and the sun makes her skin glow more which makes her look like an angel; The doctors were able to take out the bullets from her back but she still haven't woken up, the last time I saw her she used herself as my shield and took a bullet for me, she spent her last moment just to say she loves me, she kissed me as if it's going to be her last time, she kissed me as if she was saying goodbye, if there was another girl next to me on that night she would have freaked out and left me to die but Rose she was ready to face her death just for me.

The security was tight but they managed to get in as a caterer, they were no other than our rival, anger was built inside of me but my mind was more blown away when I saw Rose in my arms, she was kissing me and within few seconds she closed her eyes and passed out, Thank god we were able to get her in hospital on time and thank god Liam managed to catch both of the guys, when I found out who did it I dint think twice, we just barged in their place and began to shoot, we fired shots over shots until we found the main person behind all this plan, I wanted him to die as slow as possible so that he knew how it feels to have a bullet but before that I killed his wife in front of him to let him know how weak you feel when the person you love most is shot, I know I shouldn't have killed his family but I was too angry at that time that I killed anyone whoever I came across to as long as they don't belong to us, I finished all of his members, I finished all of his bloodline so I can create an example of what happens when you mess with us; how heartless we are, before thinking to kill me or Rose I want them to know the consequences so that they wont be able to mess with us.

"Baby wake up" I whispered in her ear and gently kissed her forehead; I held her hand and stayed next to her hoping that she will open her eyes soon, praying to god that she wakes up. The doctor came in and checked her vital sign, he said she has shown great improvement and in no time she would wake up I just need to be patience, I nodded my head and looked at her she looks so beautiful, she doesn't even have to try, the last time when we left the house she was teasing me, she didn't even had to tease me I was already hard when I touched her, when I heard her moan but when she slowly removed her panty my mind went crazy and the way she bent down to tease me more I completely lost myself and was about to take her right there until she intentionally collided with me and rubbed herself on me, she was such a tease, all the moments that we spent together came to my mind as a flashback, the first time when she bumped into me, the time when she slapped me, the time when we made love for the first time and the time when we argued, all the flashback made my eyes wet and a sob escaped my mouth, I brought her hand to my face and wiped away all of my tears because that's what I need right now, I am craving for her touch and attention, "please baby wake up" I pleaded her again but she was asleep peacefully.

Two weeks later
Rose POV

I hear a light mumble around me and when I focused more I could hear James talking, he was ordering his men to tighten up my security and I could hear Liam's voice as well "don't worry James, you need to calm down, relax, why don't you go home and rest?' then all of a sudden I feel a warm hand over my hand "No, I will stay" James replied which made me smile, I slowly open my eyes and find both Liam and James looking at me "thank god you are awake" James said as Liam hurriedly walked to get the doctor, I could see James face, he looks so tired as if he haven't had much sleep, his eyes were red and it didn't seems like he had shaved, I brought my hand to his face and gently touched each part of his face "you missed me?" I asked him with a sarcastic voice "No, don't you start" he said and grabbed my hand, he kissed my each knuckles and whispered "thank you for waking up" I weakly smile at him and nodded my head, the doctor walked in and I remember him, he is the same doctor who checked me last time "welcome back Rose, James here was very worried about you" he said and began to check my eyes, he checked the machine which I was connected to then turned to James "we might have to leave her here tonight just to make sure" without any arguments James nodded his head and asked Liam to pick us up tomorrow morning, Liam patted my head and mumbled "you are a brave girl" then walked away, I could see how tired James was so I gently shifted my body as much as I could and opened my arms to him "lay down with me" I ordered him and like a puppy he laid himself next to me, he placed his hand on my stomach and mumbled "I missed this", I ran my fingers in his hair and gently scratched his scalp, we stayed like that for very long time until James fell asleep, I kissed his forehead and closed my eyes, the last time I saw this men I didn't knew I would be alive but I am glad I did, I slept for I don't know how long but I was still tired, I remembered about my work and college and wonder how many days I have missed, I need to ask James about it and I also wonder how far is my baby sister wedding with all of this thought I drifted myself to sleep.

My mafia manOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora