Faye opened the door and Andrea threw herself at her, wrapping her arms around her. "Oh, I'm so glad you're home!" she said. "I really need to talk to you, to explain..."

Faye didn't have an option, she stood back and opened the door for the beautiful blond hurricane.

"This time I don't have a police escort," she giggled and stopped short when she saw Chloe and Faye watching her curiously.

"Andrea, these are my friends, Lia Haven, and Chloe Lockwood. They're helping me clean out the house," Faye introduced, but before she could introduce Andrea properly as Silas's daughter Andrea cut her off.

"Why are you cleaning out the house?" She looked around at all the different items strewn around the room.

"The house is for sale, didn't you notice the for sale sign out front?" Faye asked.

"No, must you sell it?" Andrea asked with wide-eyed concern.

"Yes, it also belongs to my brother and sister and they want to sell. Where's your brother?" Faye asked.

"He went to see Poppa at the hotel. He had something important to give him and he didn't want to lose it." Andrea's eyes had landed on Chloe and she was watching her closely.

"You're Chloe?" she asked curiously as if the name had just registered with her.

"Yes," Chloe said, looking at Faye questioningly.

Faye only shook her head in an attempt to let her know that it didn't matter.

"Can I talk to you," Andrea asked looking down at Faye from her statuesque height.

"Sure, I was going to get us all a drink anyway, I'll do that now." Faye led the way toward the kitchen with Andrea following close behind her.

"What brings you to town?" Faye asked.

"Oud en Nieuw," she said as she sat in a kitchen chair. "New Year's Eve, it's always been a big deal for Aaron, Poppa, and me. We have celebrated it together every year, either we go to him or he comes to us if we are not in the same place."

Faye nodded thinking that it sounded like a nice tradition to welcome in the New Year with those you loved the most. "What did you want to talk to me about?" Faye asked as she pulled out some glasses and a pitcher of iced tea.

"I wanted to apologize for accidentally letting my mother know about you. She overheard Aaron and I talking about you and Poppa and when she cornered me about it, I didn't know what to say. Then I remembered you had mentioned Chloe, who I don't care about, so I gave Mother her name. I knew if she came after you, you wouldn't stand a chance." Andrea looked at Faye as she was served a glass of tea. "I like you, and I think you are good for Poppa, and I didn't want her to frighten you away."

Faye smiled at the girl, unable to hold the thought against her because it was most likely the truth. If Astrid DeGraff had decided to put her in her place it would have hurt. "She was a bit frightening," Faye agreed, and Andrea giggled.

"Now I owe you an apology Andrea." Faye sat down across from her. "I told your father that you and Aaron both know that he is not your birth father," she said softly.

Andrea paused with the glass halfway to her mouth, a look of fear crossing her face.

"I tried to keep it a secret, but when he shared the story with me, I had to tell him the truth. It felt unfair not to, I'm sorry I betrayed your confidence, and I didn't do it lightly," Faye said with heartfelt sincerity.

"Was he mad?" Andrea asked in an urgent whisper.

"No, he said he was stunned that you knew, but not mad." She let Andrea take it in for a moment. "I think it is something that the three of you should talk about now."

Love Me True (Love Me Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now