She gave me a final look before she left. "Don't let her find out what you are. But be aware she'll probably taunt you for being 'human.' "

I shrugged. "I'll deal with that when I cross that bridge."


I crossed that bridge pretty early. After that conversation with Lily, I decided not to bring it up with Isaac. There was a reason he hadn't mentioned her and if our relationship was to work, there had to be some level of trust.

But I was on edge for the rest of the day, knowing that soon I'd be thrown in the deep end. But for some reason, the more I thought about it, the less afraid I was becoming. Isaac was my mate, she has no right or claim over him. She could be as petty as she wanted, but I wouldn't tolerate any violence or extreme harassment. Just because I wasn't a wolf doesn't mean I was a doormat. I wouldn't be walked over.

"What's on your mind?" Esmeralda asked, gently tapping my knee with her foot to snap me out of my thoughts. I had forgotten she was there for a second. I pursed my lips, checking the room to make sure nobody was listening.

"I think Isaac was in a relationship before we met with a pack warrior who's returning soon and apparently she's not the nicest person." I said and Esmeralda's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"I mean, it'll probably suck to come back and see that someone you liked is now with someone else but I thought mates were this sacred thing for them, I don't understand why she'd be angry or resentful to you, isn't that a part of their lives?"

I shrugged and Esme gave me a pondering look. "She could be completely fine."

The door opened and I turned to see fiery red hair. I stilled, realizing who it was immediately as she carried two duffels bags through the door with ease. Her dark green eyes scanned the door, before falling on us and she frowned in confusion.

"I've only been gone for two months and we've already gained new pack members, did someone find their mates?" She pondered as she dragged her duffel bags in behind her and dropped them on the ground, sighing heavily.

She turned her dark eyes on us again before grinning widely. "It's nice to meet you, I'm one of the pack warriors, Gloria."

I smiled awkwardly, giving her a little wave. "I'm Aurora and this is Esmerelda." I motioned to Esme who was watching her carefully.

"Gloria, you're back." I turned to see Isaac standing in the door frame, watching our encounter with wide eyes. I could tell by his tense posture that he hadn't expected her so early, or for whatever reason he was shocked at her return.

Gloria giggled. "I texted you yesterday that I was coming home today. So busy missing me that you've become forgetful?"

Isaac put a hand to his temple, his eyes finding mine and trying to convey a message that I couldn't seem to pick up on, as I stared back with unease. This was his mess, he could fix it.

Gloria approached him and I could tell she was going to hug him - I hoped, when he put his hands up and stopped her. She flinched back in surprise, her own eyes narrowing in confusion.

"I need to speak with you privately, in my office." He said and turned to walk away. She stopped for a second before following him down the hall.

Esme was quiet for a second before her eyes met mine, she frowned. "Well, there goes our peace."


I didn't have any other runs ins with Gloria until a few days later. I was in my room, painting. I had acquired some oil paints and a canvas to paint on so I spent some time creating the image outside my window. The door opened softly, Isaac standing at the other side. He hadn't said anything about Gloria and I had been working patiently until he came to me and apparently, he finally had.

"Could we speak?"

I hummed. "About what?"

He sighed. "Gloria thinks you should start training."

I stopped what I was doing, setting my brush down gently before I gave him my undivided attention.

"Gloria thinks what exactly?"

He sighed, raising a hand to his temple. "You're Luna now, I don't think putting you into basic training would do you any harm."

I hummed again. "Is that your opinion or her's?"

He approached me slowly, sitting at the edge of the bed. "She is one of my top warriors and she's just offering her advice. If you're against it then that's another thing but I can't see any reason why. You have great physical ability and you're undoubtably faster than any of the wolves. Trained properly, you could protect yourself."

I sat back. "Is that really why?"

He frowned, seemingly confused. "What other reason would there be?"

"And who exactly will be training me?"

"Gloria offered."

I raised an eyebrow, contemplating his words before I nodded. If she wanted to play some kind of game, let her play. Nymphs were not easily outwitted.

"That's perfectly fine with me." I grinned sweetly.

It could be nothing. She could of already moved on and decided that this was something to genuinely help me. But I had an inkling that this was something very different.

In that case, game on.

Out of The Woods (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now