Sabo X Pregnant!Reader (Angst/Fluff)

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(Female reader insert)


[Slight angst warning, as Sabo isn't there for the birth]

[takes place after time skip]

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Not Edited
Word Count : 1504


Of course Sabo never planned for this to happen, hell he wasn't even expecting to have a mission handed to him and for things to take a turn the way they did. 'Tsk'ing under his breath he took cover against a wall, hidden away by the shadows casted. Quickly he pulled out his den den mushi, the small snail looking back at him, all the while a sounding groan and a pained expression were mimicked on its face.

He swore he be there. That he wouldn't leave you especially close to your due date. However you going into labour almost 2 months prematurely wasn't in the plan and even though your smiling figure kissed his cheek warmly before sending him off with a heartfelt goodbye and see you soon. Your voice was now cussing him out for his stupid decision. He promised he'd be back before you'd know. 

Receiving the first call that came through he originally thought it would be information pertaining to his mission however. When your trembling voice came through sounding scared as you told him you were heading into labour early. His heart stopped. He needed to get to you and that's just what he was doing now. Heading to get off the island he was on, by any means necessary. He knew he wouldn't be there in time for the birth as he listens and talks to you through the only means of communicating.

His head trying to stay clear has his thoughts begin to run over all the memories of you two. And soon to make more with 3. You were his perfect fit, just like a puzzle. Nights usually constantly a mess of bodies intertwined, even while sleeping he'd pull you close with a kiss. Protective arms locking you into him safely.  Your smiling face greeting him each morning.

But not now, now you were crying out, feeling alone going through this, even with your husband on the transponder snail with you. All you could think about was having him here, he was your support after all.  It broke Sabo to hear how your voice sounded, and it pushed him to get going even faster. Tucking the snail away but still listening to every word you said and every curse you'd throw at him for not being there  and he'd respond every time with words of encouragement.  He pushed off the wall and continued through the shadows of night to leave without being spotted, coming to a stop near the docks. He paused to take out the snail once again just as you sent a sling of curses his way.

Trying to lighten the tension he let out a light hearted laugh your colourful vocabulary. He wanted to show you all the positive emotions and support that he could and staying positive while talking with you was the best he could do right now, besides making his way back to base as soon as possible. However you in your state couldn't care less about any of it, all you cared about was the fact that you were about to bring your child into the world and your husband was nowhere to be seen, yet he's laughing.

"Is this a fucking joke to you, Sabo?!" Your voice cries  out in pain and anger as another contraction hits you. It was no joke to Sabo in the slightest, he wasn't going to be there to see this moment to build that memory with you, and cherish it. But it wasn't the time to think about that. This was about you. He knew himself he'd never be able to make it up to you.

Even thinking of this situation he found him self in was making the young chief of staff curse under his own breath, out of earshot of the snail of course. He didn't want his poor wife to hear how much this bothered him. The mission was an emergency that had come up and it wouldn't take that long to do only a two day trip was what it was supposed to be. With you being two months away from your Due date he thought you'd be fine and he'd be in the clear time wise. But his offspring had another plan.

Another painful cry was heard from the snail as well as whispered words of encouragement from Koala who was with you in place of Sabo. He wished that with his words it would help ease your pain, however he know what you were gonna say to each one. You were upset he went, you were in your final trimester, it wasn't a likely probability that you would have a premature labour however it wasn't impossible of an outcome either. Now here you were and he wasn't. You swore he was so smart but so stupid.

You could hear his voice wanting to crack every time he was telling you how great you were doing and how good of a mom you will be. Every word he say his voice cut them into you. You knew, you knew it was just as painful for Sabo as you. After all he was so excited when you had announced it to him, and the excitement rose with every checkup. How ever the excitement was almost gone from his voice and you almost wanted to tel him to just stop. You could tell how broken he felt and your heart ached for him as well. You could tell that the excitement wasn't really there, his heart wasn't fully in the words he spoke.

You thought of him as if he was there with you, whispering the words to you, placing kisses abasing your forehead, holding your hand. You knew if he was here he should you his complete devotion. But still he was telling you everything you need to hear while you went through your labour. His words making your tears fall down your face even quicker. Wishing that he was here with you more than ever. Wether you were together or not Sabo had a way of breaking through your walls, and pulling the real you out of hiding.

You never through you could do it on your own, Sabo still talking you through it all, showing support while also trying to get back to you. When you cried out in tears for him to be here he'd remind you how strong you were and how you weren't weak. No you were the strongest person he knew, you were his support, he was the one who was weak. Weak for you. Hell he was trying to move heaven and earth for you. But he knew you didn't want to be alone. To bring your child into the world without him.

When Sabo heard a second crying sound meet his ears over the transponder he knew. That was his child, you did it and he sung praises to you from where he was. You were exhausted listening and taking them all in.

It had been almost a half a day since you were able to hold you little one. When the door quickly opened and there in the door way was your husband. Eyes watering as they took in the sight before him. His beautiful wife holding their baby. quietly he rushed to your side, gently coming down to kiss your head. Mumbled apologies left his lips in between his kisses.

Pulling one of your hands into his, he intertwined your fingers, a perfect fit. As you looked up at him you flashed a tired smile his way. Completely forgetting that he wasn't there until a few moments.

"Would you like to hold your daughter?" Your voice was also showing your fatigue as your hands passed the precious bundle to his. With the most care he could, Sabo cradled his little girl. His family.

He started to cry, he'd be there for her every day from now on, and as the small infant looked up he took in how tiny she was. He had already given her all his heart the moment he heard that you were pregnant, but having her in this moment. Made everything feel better. Wiping his eyes quickly, he went to look at you. But you were fast asleep.

Leaving Sabo to enjoy holding his daughter after fighting to make it to her. He'd never moved so fast in his life, and at this point he too was quite astonished by the fact he made it. Just looking at the two of you, he knew he make everything up to you both. He'd never say it now, but he couldn't wait to have another just to start all over again, building your family and this time he'd be there.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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