Usopp x Reader (smut)

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( female reader insert )

Just a quick warning before you continue; this is, as titled above, a lemon, which means it contains sexual content. If you are uncomfortable about this please click off or skip that part.

Spoiler warning

[may contain content from after time skip]

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Word Count : 3082


The sun beamed brightly down on the deck, really causing the name of the ship to come to life. You were aboard the Sunny. You were a valued member of the crew, of course, everyone was. Your arms rested on the railing, the sea breeze was rushing through your hair, it was a beautiful day. You could hear the happy chatter amongst the rest of the crew.

The constant ever-changing voyage keeps you all entertained, never once a dull moment with the crew. Your eyes glanced over the few others that were out on the deck enjoying the sunny weather. Sanji was brought out refreshments by Nami; who was taking in the sun's rays. And Robin; reading in the cool shade of an umbrella. His love tornado quickly makes a "b" line for you next.

"Ohh (y/n)- Swann!" His voice rang out before delivering the delicious-looking drink. You smiled thanking him as you took the treat from him. Placing the straw in between your lips take a sip. Humming in appreciation of the flavours. Sanji who had eyes filled with hearts took off, saying something about an amazing lunch he'd be serving. Leaving you holding your chilled drink as you looked over to see luffy and chopper as they were cooling the reindeer down, water guns and balloons were all over the place, then there was Usopp, you wanted to laugh as you watched him.

There he stood making some ridiculous claim to better them, before ultimately joining in on the fun. You loved his fun-natured attitude, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. However, the way he seemed to be open to showing his fearful side, made him seem all the braver in your eyes. You always had a soft spot for the sniper, and over the two years everyone was separated, you grew almost a longing for him. To hear his stories, to see his latest invention, or just to see his smile. You didn't realize that Usopp had stolen your heart, and when you reunited with everyone he made it impossible to take it back.

He came back to you more handsome than you remembered, the muscle that he had built up look great on him, and it seemed his confidence had taken on an upgrade. You were truly proud of him. One of your friends. Friends. That's the part that hurt. Especially when you knew that he held your heart, even if you didn't hold his. No, his belonged to Kaya. The girl from his hometown. You knew he must miss her, he talked about her a few times to you. As a friend would. She was the one who had his heart, you knew it plain as day, even if he didn't outright say it. You could see it all over his face. You were fine with that though. Being friends was close enough for you, as long as he was happy.

Enjoying the sun once again you move your gaze from him and out to the sea. However, the peacefulness of the moment was stolen by the shock of ice-cold water being sprayed down your back and over you completely.  Laughter soon filled your ears as your captain ran past you, chasing after Chopper. The water gun Luffy carried was clear evidence of who the culprit was.  That and the voice of Usopp flooded your ears next. "Hey, Luffy! Watch where you aim at!" The sound of footsteps halted next to your soaked form. Turning to face him, you almost laugh at the look of dissatisfaction he displayed watching Luffy continue. "Sorry (y/n), I try to stop him sooner." His eyes coming over to meet yours.  "Here ya go." reaching into his side bag you see him pull out a towel, before offering it to you. And taking off after the others.

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