thue february 26th

312 8 0

uhm well i don't rlly know what i have to write 'bout... let's start with the fact that i hate life, but you already know that. probably. i'm at school rn, in French class and well... i don't care what that lady tells me. you know i rlly rlly RLLY don't give a damn fuck 'bout what she's telling  me. on the other side i don't know what she's telling, but that's not a problem because i don't care anyways. 

(logic is being used in here) 

**read on a sarcastic way

okay, i'll explain. i don't only got problems with French and that damn teacher (witch i RLLY wanna YEET outta the freaking window) i also got problem with like... ... every other schoolsubject. I EVEN FAIL ON WALKING THOUGH THE HALLS PEOPLE! i mean that's just tragic. yk you can fail on everything at school, but if you can't even walk from the moment you passed the schooldoors, there's somethig real wrong with you. like with me. 

when i look around in this class right now i literally see like two other people working on wattpad, and the rest is just playing games. i guess there's one person working in this classroom and that's not even the teacher, she's just playing games on her Phone right now. the only one working in this classroom is the girl in front of me. but i don't praise het, i'm not even happy for her. i hate her, with all my life. 

so yeah that's kinda like the sort of class this is. literally nobody's working or even doing a damn shit. i mean i agree with them, but i hate them tho so i also don't rlly care.

pls don't blame me for hating my class. i mean i got reasons. reasons like: they're annoying, they're mean, they talk to me, they make me answer them and their stupid questions (wich i most of the time haven't even heard, 'cause i don't listen, 'cause they're not intrestig) and well i can tell you a plently other reasons why i hate them, but if i did that you would get bored of this story (if that haven't happen yet). 

i think i'm getting done writing this, and well you see this is my story so if i'm done writing i can just stop doing it. 

(okay that last sentence RLLY didn't make any sense     but okay)

i know this story is weird, like not the usual way. like in this story i tell you guys 'bout my life in moment and well that kinda scares me 'cause i'm afraid someone will recognise me or my way of thinking. but hey, what do i actually care? i mean people already hate me so i couldn't care any less 'bout them and their stupid opinions.

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