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When I woke up, I found myself on the floor of a dark room, both my arms pulled above my head, handcuffed to a pole. I couldn't make out much, but it looked like I was in a basement. It was dingy and damp, and my mind still felt fuzzy from the drugs. I felt nervous, but not scared. Being taken as a hostage wasn't entirely new to me. I had seen it happen a couple of times and we always got the person back. I was confused more than anything. The Sons weren't on bad terms with any of the clubs near us at the moment, and I wasn't even on club soil.

I pulled against the handcuffs, feeling the metal bite into my skin, drawing blood. I ignored the pain and pulled harder, hoping that it would be my lucky day and the assholes that took me had bought a pair of faulty handcuffs from a sex toy shop.

No such luck.

I stopped when I heard two pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs. I couldn't make out more than the shape of them, both being tall and bulky. I closed my eyes, hoping they would think I was still knocked out. I heard them shuffling around, talking in a foreign language I didn't understand. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but their voices were getting closer. I felt my heart rate pick up despite my efforts to stay calm. I heard them turn on a light, and tried not to squint at the brightness.

"Get her up." I heard footsteps coming closer, and then felt a hard kick to my stomach. I groaned at the sudden pain, trying to regain my breath.

"What the fuck man?" I looked at the guys for the first time. They looked older, both wearing matching scowls on their faces. I looked at their shirts to see if I could see club logo, but they were both wearing plain t-shirts.

"Here's how this is going to go. We're going to beat the shit out of you to send a message to your buddy Dom. Send him a picture, maybe a video. Then when he comes here to save your ass, we're going to put a bullet in his brain. How does that sound?" the guy gave me a sadistic smile, obviously trying to scare me. I tried hard not to, but I couldn't hold it back.

I fucking laughed.

Not a giggle, not a chuckle. A full blown fucking laugh to the point where my eyes were watering.

"Oh man, you guys fucked up."

"What the fuck are you on about?" they looked at me like I was insane.

"You really think Domenico King is going to risk his life to come get ME?" they gave me a blank stare.

"But...our guy saw you with him last night. Said you were his old lady."

"OLD LADY? I'm actually fucking offended. Why the fuck would you ever believe that Domenico fucking King, satan incarnate, would ever have an old lady? And who told you I was his old lady, when I've only been in this town for like, 12 hours? You guys are so fucked. Hope your boss wasn't counting on this brilliant little plan." I smirked. I could see the anger on both their faces. One of them moved away, pulling out his phone and swearing under his breath.

"Now that we have established that I'm completely useless in this situation, think we could remove the shackles?" I pulled against the cuffs, giving the guy an innocent smile. I saw his face turn red with anger before he stormed up to me slapping me across the face hard enough to split my lip. The taste of blood filled my mouth. He wrapped his hand around my neck, squeezing until I was gasping for air.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but if you don't stop fucking speaking I will cut your goddamn tongue out. Understand?" I nodded, trying to catch my breath as he finally let go. Val did always tell me that my smart ass mouth would get me in trouble. Maybe I should start listening to him more.

"When my brothers get here, you're both fucking dead." They laughed.

"No one's coming for you sweetheart. We called King. Said you could rot here for all he cares."

Well, that one hurt a little.

OK, now I was getting worried. I hoped Dom would at least tell Val that I was in trouble.

"It's funny though, King said for us to call Valentino Rossi. You fucking presidents from both clubs, whore?" I smiled, licking the blood from my teeth. They had no idea who I was.

"Our boss is going to enjoy you. He has a thing for the crazy ones."

"I don't give a fuck what you do to me, just at least have the decency to put me out of my misery after." He came closer to me, taking my face roughly in his hand, making me look at him as he gave me a thoroughly creepy smile.

"Maybe once we've all had our turn with you.  Then we can send back whatever is left of you to whoever the fuck you belong to." I felt bile rise in my throat at the thought. I spit in his face, making him growl angrily, landing another punch to my face. I groaned.

"I guess I'm going to have to show you what happens when you disrespect a member." I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the pain as he landed a couple more punches to my face and another kick to my already fucked up ribs. I could feel my eyes closing against my own will when he delivered a strong kick to my face.  

I heard shouts and gunshots before my body finally gave up, my vision going black.  

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