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When I got home I was too distracted by the idea of getting hammered that I didn't even notice the line of unfamiliar bikes in the lot. The club girls were the only ones hanging around the bar, so I knew church was taking place. I nodded my hello at Chuck before going upstairs to shower. I let the burning hot water wash away the dried up blood on my knuckles. I dried my hair quickly before throwing on my usual ripped up black jeans and a baggy long sleeve shirt with the club's logo on it. I made my way behind the bar, grabbing the dirty cups out of Chuck's hand.

"You getting in fights again, darlin'?" he said, nodding warily at my messed up knuckles.

"Not with anything that can hit me back." I said with a smirk. He just huffed and shook his head before grabbing his stuff and taking off. After he left I poured myself a drink and chugged it. Mid-chug I heard the guys coming out of church, but I kept going, trying to finish it before Val caught me.

"And I thought I was an alcoholic." I turned around to see an unfamiliar man with a cut that I didn't recognize looking down at me with an amused, but impressed, expression. I gave him a tight smile and started wiping down the bar.

"That's Scar, she can probably outdrink all of you." Asher said with a proud smile on his face. I smiled back and gave him a wink. He looked surprised to say the least. I hadn't really given anyone the time of day in a while, no matter how close all of us used to be. I hoped they didn't take it personally, but I know they did. But I was trying to be better, for Val, for the club, for myself.

"Sounds to me like that's a challenge." He was looking at me again. His skin was the colour of melted chocolate, contrasting with his golden brown eyes, framed by thick lashes. He had high cheekbones and lips so plump and full that I was jealous. He was beautiful. I just shrugged at him.

"Sounds to me like you should stop talking and start drinking. You need to catch up." I said before I downed another shot. I lined up 3 shots for me and 3 for him.

"First one to finish. Ash, count down."

"3, 2, 1, GO!" we both downed all 3 without even a wince, finishing at the same time.

"Looks like we're going to need a second trial, darlin'." My tolerance for alcohol had dramatically increased over the past little while, but I could feel myself getting slightly tipsy.

"Let's see what I've got." I gave him a smirk before heading into the storage room, looking around. I didn't see it at first, but once I caught a glimpse of it hiding in the corner I let out a little laugh.

"ASH, HELP ME OUT IN HERE!" I pointed at the corner when he came in and he laughed. We brought it out together and once the guys saw it they cheered.

"This is what you've got? How old is this thing anyway?" the guy said, swiping his finger over the dust that had collected on the top of the keg. I knew then that he was different from most of the bikers I had been around. Most of the guys would have seen it and just thought-

"Who cares? Beer is beer. LETS GET FUCKED UP!" Gunner shouted, causing the rest of the guys and girls in the clubhouse to cheer. I smirked.

My thoughts exactly.

"Longest keg stand wins. You can go first."

"You need a demonstration of how it's done honey?" I laughed in his face at that. The guys laughed too. I was the fucking queen of keg stands. There was a goddamn picture on the wall because I set the record. It was right beside my mug shot.

"Go ahead then, show me how it's done." I said with a smirk, leaning back against the bar. A crowd had formed around us now, but one face was missing.

"Hey Bear, where's Val?" I looked up at the beast beside me. He was over 6 feet, his body bulging with muscle. Tattoos covered his whole body up to his neck to the point where you could barely see skin. His long hair and beard reminded me of a slightly more tame version of Hagrid. He had earned his name, that's for sure. But when it came to me and the other club girls, he might as well have been Winnie the freaking Pooh.

"Still in church. Going over some technical shit for the patch over with their prez. Don't worry, I think they'll be in there for a while. I'll keep an eye out for you, darlin'." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, giving me a warm smile. I looked up at him and smiled back. I couldn't lie and say I hadn't missed these guys with my whole heart. I watched as the guy, who's name I still didn't know, started his keg stand. He made it to 18 seconds before giving up. He almost gave me a run for my money. Almost.

"You're up, sugar. Maybe you wanna just quit now, save yourself the embarrassment." He had a smirk on his face, obviously thinking he had already won. I just smiled sweetly at him. The guys cheered loudly as I made my way to the keg. I let Bear and Ash lift me up. I looked at the guy who was leaning against the bar, giving him a wink before starting.

23 fucking seconds. I beat my own record. Also, I was completely plastered. Gravity pulled my shirt down over my head as the guys helped me up. It was silent, the crowd obviously waiting for me to puke my guts out. Surprisingly, I didn't feel that bad, but I knew I would regret this tomorrow morning. I raised my hands over my head like the fucking champion I was and the whole clubhouse cheered for me. My shirt was somehow tangled over my head and still covering my eyes, so when I went to take a wobbly step I obviously tripped over my own 2 feet and into the arms of one of the guys.

If only I wasn't blinded by the fabric of my shirt and I could see who my saviour was.  

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