23. Gone Back

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-Miki x 

"I love you!" - One Direction


***Louis' P.O.V***

When I woke up in the morning Lily wasn't next to me. I yawned and stretched before standing up and walking around the apartment looking for Lily.

I remember I kissed her and told her I love her. I didn't regret it either, until I saw the note. I froze and walked up to the kitchen and picked it up. I sobbed when I realized what it was.


I groaned and walked slowly out of my apartment. I walked to Niall's and knocked, getting startled when a half naked Niall opened the door. He smiled sheepishly as his face burned a dark red. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Is your girlfriend dressed? I need to give her something." I told him.

"Yeah I think she is." He blushed brighter then let me in. I walked past him and into the lounge where Shreya was sitting with her head down.

"Shreya?" I asked. She looked up and smiled happily until I handed her the note. "See you." I muttered before turning and walking straight back out. I walked into my apartment before walking straight to my room and locking the door behind me.

I was determined to ignore the world for the day.

That was until Shreya banged on the door and demanded me to open up. I walked up to the door and unlocked it, letting Shreya open it and storm up to me. "What'd you do?!" She screamed.

"You just assume I did something?" I asked, quite rudely, but I didn't care.

"Well it says she can't stay here! Why not?!" She yelled. By now Harry and Niall had joined this amazing conversation, but I couldn't understand what they were saying over Shreya's insistent yelling. Eventually I'd had enough.

"Because I told her I love her and kissed her!" I yelled, standing up. Shreya looked shocked for a second before she shoved me and groaned.

"YOU DICK!" She screamed. "She's got this thing with Alex! You're such an idiot!" She finished before storming out and leaving me shocked and upset.

***Lily's P.O.V***

I left early, chickening out of any relationship with Louis. I mean come on, I had Alex. I didn't need Louis like I need Alex. And Alex isn't as famous as Louis... Does this make ANY sense at all?!

When I got back to the house I opened the door to a mess. I looked around and saw all the remaining housemates laughing. "Guys? What's going on?" I asked. Gemma, a girl in a group, ran up and hugged me.

"Thank God you're back! Alex has been going mad!" Her English accent rang through the house.

"She's back?!" Someone screamed from upstairs. I heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs until Alex was standing in front of me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him, planting a sweet kiss on my lips. The kiss was NOTHING like Louis', Louis' was so much better and I wanted his lips on mine. I was so wrong to leave him.

"Alex, come with me." I murmured before pulling him up the stair to my room, ignoring the wolf-whistles. I closed the door behind Alex and threw my bag on the bed. I took a deep breath and bit my lip.

"Lil? What's up?" He asked. I turned and felt my eyes tear up. "Lily?" He asked again.

"I can't-... I can't do this." I whispered. Alex looked confused, then shattered.

"What..?" He whispered back. I laughed without humor.

"It's not you, it's me." I giggled, I'd always wanted to say that. "No seriously. I... I kind of love someone else..." I murmured. Alex's eyebrows raised.

"Louis Tomlinson?" He asked. I nodded. "You love that wanker?!" He yelled. I stepped forward and pushed him.

"He isn't a wanker you dick!" I yelled back. He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Louis Tomlinson is an air-head! There's nothing to him!" He yelled. I gasped and slapped my hand across his cheek. I'd read up on English insults...

"Louis is more of a man than you! And he has twice the brains!" I screamed before opening the door. "Get out." I growled. Alex then left and didn't come back.


Shreya got back around 11 at night that night. She walked straight up to my sobbing form and cuddled me, laying behind me and wrapping her arm around my waist. She didn't ask what was wrong, just comforted me while I cried.

After I'd calmed down she turned me over. "What's up babe?" She asked.

"I-I got into a f-fight with Al-Alex and told him I d-don't love him and th-that I love someone else. H-he called Louis an a-air-head." I cried. Shreya frowned and pushed my hair behind my ear.

"You love Louis?" She asked. I nodded and started sobbing again. "Oh babe." She sighed. "Why didn't you stay then?" She asked.

"Because I thought that Al-Alex would be better to h-have but I realized I w-wanted Louis." I told her, stuttering as my breath caught.

"Well after you win this show then you and Louis can get together alright?" She asked. I nodded, laughing a bit before turning over and falling asleep.

***Louis' P.O.V***

"Louis, she dropped Alex for you. She came back because she thought Alex would be better for her, but then realized she loves you. Give her time then make your move!" Shreya told me. I sighed and shifted the phone to the other ear.

"I dunno. I mean come on, she left." I argued. Shreya sighed, and then I heard beeping. I stopped making the lads and I lunch and took my phone from my ear. I looked down and frowned.

Bitch had hung up on me!

Let Us Live Forever (One Direction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora