15. Forgiven

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im getting pretty serious about this sequel, I really wanna do it! comment what you think I should do ! 

You guys need to comment and stuff because i feel like no ones reading even though i have like 150 reads.. which is awesome... but still 

Lily over there somewhere >>>>>>> 

Anyway read comment fan vote whatever, just enjoy! 

Stay awesome 

- Miki x☺ 

"I'll always defend the people I love." - Niall Horan.


***Louis' P.O.V***

Not being able to talk to Lily for a week was killing me. Liam hadn't been able to get a hold of her and the rest of the boys didn't want to try because they're afraid of her rejecting the call or not picking up. I felt like a jerk for not telling her straight out that I cared so much. Now she won't speak to us.

"Louis..?" Liam asked hesitantly as I stared at the computer, watching Lily sit on our stairs and laugh at questions. That had to be something right? She was doing her video diaries there. "Lou, I think you should call Simon and ask him to tell her the truth." He suggested, sitting next to me.

"You can, Li." I said, smiling at him. He shook his hand and placed my phone in my hand. "I don't want to talk to him Liam." I frowned stubbornly.

"Do it or she won't ever know." He persuaded. Instantly the phone was in my hand and I was dialling Simon's number. He picked up on the third ring.

"Hello, Louis." He greeted. I nearly froze in shock but then remembered caller I.D. No duh, Louis. I thought stupidly.

"I want you to tell Lily that you're lying. The boys and I do care for Lily, more then anything and we don't want her ignoring us. She's our friend." I demanded, shooing Liam from my bedroom. Simon chuckled.

"Louis, me doing that gave her heartbreak. She can sing her whole heart out now." He told me. "She can win this thing now!" He chuckled again.

"Simon, I know you. This isn't you. You're a good guy and you're ruining Lily!" I argued. He sighed quietly and I heard rustling in the background. "Simon, tell her." I pleaded.

"No." He said simply before hanging up. What a complete douche! I stood up and sighed, quickly getting pissed off again as there was a knock on the front door. I walked out of the room and into the lounge while Harry answered the door.

"Where is she?!" A shout came from the front door. All the boys were here, like usual, and we hurried to the door. "You!" The voice shouted, a man pointing his finger at me. I knew him... "Where's my sister?!" He yelled. I froze.

"Hey Jack."

***Lily's P.O.V***

I stood in Simon's office door-way at the studio. He was facing away from me and was on the phone. I stayed quiet and nearly choked when he started talking.

"Hey Louis..." He said firmly. My eyes widened. Louis..? Like, Louis Tomlinson? He chuckled and started talking again. "Louis, me doing that gave her heartbreak. She can sing her whole heart out now." He told me. "She can win this thing now!" He chuckled again, making me want to scream when I realised what he had said. He said one more word before I turned and sprinted.


I ran straight to the recording studio and started practicing a song Simon knew nothing about. He wanted me to sing 'Call My Name' by Cheryl Cole just to suck up. Yeah, no. I don't care if I get kicked off the show, I am so singing this song!


I decided to do another Twitcam to pass the time on the Thursday night. I had gotten the band to think we were singing this song for a surprise for Simon. They didn't know the words, just the music and for that I was glad.

"Hi guys!" I waved enthusiastically as people started joining the chat thing. People said 'hi' back and said my room was awesome. I laughed. "My room is pretty cool eh?" I giggled. Everyone replied back positively.

"Okay guys..." I said after a minute. "I went on this for a reason. There's this person out there that I was a huge bi-... Bad person to. I just wanted to say I'm so sorry and I found out the truth." I apologised, praying he was watching.


Who is it? What's his name?

I saw the name and question and smiled. "I have fan names now eh? Lillinator's... Has a ring to it... Well Lillinator number one..." I thought for a minute then giggle. "I could tell you, his favourite colour's red. He likes to argue, born on Christmas Eve. His sister's are beautiful, he has his mother's eyes. And if you ask me if I love him... I'd lie." I sung, giggling half way through.

Immediately everyone was commenting Louis' name with a million and one question marks next to it. I shook my head and giggled. One comment caught my eye and I laughed.


Do you love him?

"That Malik voice, yes I do." I told her, biting my lip. I told them I'd lie. And if you think about it I had. Because when they think I have lied, I haven't. "Anyway guys it's time for me to-." I stopped as soon as I saw the comment. Everyone asked what was up but I just kept scrolling back to his comment. "Louis Tomlinson. Thank you." I whispered before closing my laptop.


It's okay Lily. You're forgiven. x

I smiled and lay down on my bed, closing my eyes and falling straight to sleep.

Let Us Live Forever (One Direction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin