19. Clubbing

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hey guys ! i just happened to re-read this amazayn comment from an amazing Wattpader. her username is APunkRockFairtytale. I suggested you check her out (not sexually geez) because she is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet ! (virtually meet)

Anywhooo, this is another chapter of Let Us Live Forever. Enjoy!


Lots of love

- Miki xx

"I'd be rather be a kid and play with paper planes than be a man and play with a woman's heart." – Niall Horan. 


***Louis' P.O.V***

I was in shock after Lily finished her performance. Through all of this we had totally forgotten to call her and tell her that it wasn't real. What the hell was wrong with us?! This whole week I'd totally forgotten that Lily had to be told. When she'd ignored my calls I just thought she was practicing but that song was sung with way to much emotion to be classified as 'just another song she's sung'. She meant every word and they were obviously for that girl, May.

The boys looked happy and were clapping and cheering, oblivious to the fact that for the past 3 or so weeks there had been so much drama in this place. Why couldn't they see the shock on my face? Maybe they didn't want to? I didn't know. But I was frozen from shock from all this damn drama.

Without a word I got up and walked out of Liam's apartment, which was where we decided to hang out tonight, and straight to mine and Harry's. I unlocked the door and ran straight to my phone that was in my room on charge. I had 3 missed calls from management, probably about the signing's they called Liam about, and 4 texts.

One was from Mommy<3; Boobear, I just wanted 2 check up on u. Love you xox

The next two were from Unknown Number; Hey this is Shreya, can you tell Niall that I'll call him later? Thanks :)

Unknown Number; Lily's pissed.

That's all the second one said. Lily's pissed. 'Of course she's bloody pissed! A random girl attacked you with her lips, Louis!' My brain screamed. Oh shut up...

The third was from a number I had seen and called so many times I could tell you it while reading a book. This number had called me when someone I knew was hurting and needing my help. They trusted me with their problem and no one else. This person I loved so much it hurt yet every time something good happened something bad ruined everything.

Lily Deacon<3; For you

What's for me-? Oh shit... The song. So I was right... She hates me for a rumour! God, damn it! More drama?! 

"Louis?!" Someone called from the hall that sounded a lot like my best mate. 

"In here Haz." I called back. I heard his heavy footfalls down the hall and then he appeared in the doorway. His curly hair was pulled back into a grey beanie and his torso was covered by a plain white t-shirt. His hips were clad with dark-blue jeans that, I admit even though I'm totally not gay, looked awesome on him. 

"What's up? Why'd you leave like that?" He asked. I showed him the text and he smiled. "Aw! You have a heart next to her name!" He cooed. I rolled my eyes.

"The text Harry. Read the text." I demanded. He nodded slowly and read it. 

"I don't get it..." He finally admitted. I chuckled and put my phone into my jeans pocket before tugging off my black shirt and swapping it for a more comfortable grey one.

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