chapter twenty 💕

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for the next few after calum and my compromising conversation about love we have highs and lows, nothing that isn't out of the ordinary though. we have been spending more time working on our communication skills and the way we communicate with each other to make sure we know what each other wants or needs so we are both okay with what is going on and both always happy.

it's thursday, crystal and i are supposed go for our planned lunch date today for what was supposed to be a bit of a girls afternoon but i was a bit hesitant about it this morning because calum wasn't feeling too good. i called her to tell her that i don't think i can make it today because calum isn't doing so good and i'm worried about him. crystal insists that he is going to be fine and i'm just worried over nothing. i ask calum if he's okay with it and he says yes and tells me to have a nice time. crystal arrives to pick me up around 11:30am to head off at 12 to make our 12:30 lunchtime reservation.

"so how are you two doing" she says smirking at me and calum.

"pretty good, we've been working on it and trying to figure out how we're going to make this work" i say.

calum nods but stays quiet and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"he's gone all shy! how cute is that. you guys are adorable and bring out the best in each other i'd say. very deserving. i hope you treat my friend well, calum... i'm watching you" crystal says banging the table then pointing at him making me screech.

she's such a good person and friend. i feel bad that people always give her such a hard time.
crystal checks the time and decides that we should leave to make time for traffic and stuff. i say bye to calum and tell him i'll be back real soon but if he needs me then he can call me and crystal will bring me straight home again but roy will be back soon too because today was the day roy was finally arriving home and he should be flying in within the next hour. calum gives me a big hug goodbye and he insists that he will be fine by himself for a few hours.

"i love you cal" i say walking out.

"i love you too" he shouts back.

he closes the door and i feel my anxiety level increasing. i haven't really left him alone again since the day ashton dropped me back off here. i'm actually scared to leave calum on his own and it's making me nervous already and crystal hasn't even pulled out of the driveway yet.

"he loves you" she say excitedly.

"yeah" i say back not really paying attention.

i stare out the window up at the sky while she drives jamming to old songs from 2008 hits on the radio.

"thank god you aren't too young to not know these classics" she says while turning up the volume on holler-back girl by gwen stephanie.

"crystal, i was 8... i didn't even know what the internet was until i started high school 5 years ago" i say making her crack up.

"you're too cute" she says when we pull up at the restaurant.

she walks in and i follow slowly, we get shown to our table and sit down. i slowly sip my water and check my phone.

"he will be fine, i promise" he says before i can even do anything.

"but what if he's not... that's what i'm worried about. roy knew i was with you today and he said he will text me when he arrives back in LA then when he gets home to calum but he hasn't yet which means calum is still alone and it's making me worried" i tell her while checking my phone again.

"well don't you dare text him because that will make him say that he wants me to take you home, he hasn't texted so far so obviously he's fine right? texting him will just encourage him" he laughs while taking my phone and putting it on her side of the table away from me.

if walls could talk // calum hoodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt