I don't know why he thinks I am a great person, I am a lazy bun who hasn't achieved anything great in my life.

"I promise, it's gonna be fun. I can pick you up."

"I will see about that." I simply answered. I really didn't wanna go but I don't want to turn him down either.

My answer seems to satisfy him and he gave me that happy smile of his. I still don't understand why he hangs around me. I should probably tell him that it's kinda dangerous since Ben is always watching me.

"I just realized I don't know much about you. I would like to learn more about you."

 "Umm... well there isn't really much about me."

"Don't say that. I think you're awesome." He leaned over and poked my nose.


Why does he do those things? I'm like the most awkward girl to talk to in this whole university. Why does he keep talking to me? With nothing else to do, we just chatted, talked about this and that, how he met Catherine and other things.

I still felt awkward around him but chatting with helped me get Ben off my mind, even just a little.

"By the way, where do you live?"

"In my house with my older brother. It's pretty near."

"Cool. You're lucky to live in a home. No curfews and shit... Do you mind if you bring me over later?"

"Huh? Why?"

"I just wanna know how you live. Plus, you're a gamer girl so I wanna see how you play."


His directness never fails to surprise me. There isn't really any extraordinary in my house... oh wait, there is Ben. Not a good idea to bring him there.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I said.

"Why? Is your brother strict or something?"

"No, but..." I have to think of a good excuse "... it's kind of spooky there." Okay, now I'm just saying bullshit.

"Oh? I thought you didn't believe in the paranormal."

"Ah, well-"

The school bell interrupted me, signifying that it was time to go back to class. That's right, our next class was research.

"Well the, let's head back to class so we can pass our paper."

I nodded and followed him as we made our way to class. The day passed by quickly but I couldn't forget what Ben told me. Gosh this feels all so surreal...

Class ended and Drew was waiting for me outside my classroom and we headed to my home. Why did I agree to this again? Did I even agree to this? Well, I guess that's my punishment for not knowing how to make good excuses.

We arrived at my house and I carefully slit the keys into the lock. Is this really a good idea? I opened the door and we stepped inside to find my brother eating the left over pizza.

"Oh? Is that your stalker, (n)?" Daryl noticed us.

"Wh-what? Of course not!"

 "You have a stalker, (n)?" Drew's eyes went wide.

"Uh, hehe.. eh..." I had no idea what else to say so I just dragged him to the table and offered him pizza.

"So... how long have you been dating?"

"We're not actually dating."

Daryl gave me a weird look as if to say "then why did you bring him home?" Well, I don't exactly know the answer myself.

"(n) is a gamer girl so I wanted to see what games she has and how she plays them."

"Ah, I see. (n) is really into gaming but she'd make a terrible wife though. She doesn't really know how to take care of the household."

I glared daggers at Daryl. Did he really have to mention that?

"Well that's fine. Neither do I take care of my dorm room." Drew joked.

After eating, we went up to my room. I have a really bad feeling about this. What would Ben do? What is he capable of?

 I lead him to my room and for the first time after so many years I turned the light on.

"So... welcome to my room, I guess." I'm horrible at this.

"Woah, you have  a PSP! That's so cool! Can I play it?"


I kneeled beside him as he played with my PSP. He chose to play Tekken but was defeated pretty soon.

"I suck at this. Let me see you do it." He said. I took the PSP and started playing the game and he watched.

"Hey what's that?" I looked up to see my monitor turned on, showing my yaoi collection that I have downloaded.

"What the fuck?!"

I ran up to my PC and closed the pictures but as soon as I was about to turn back to Drew when the yaoi pictures appeared again. This is so embarrassing. I bring a boy home for the first time and this is what happens.

"Ehehe, I'm sorry about this. Why don't we go down and watch TV instead?"

He nodded and we headed downstairs. We sat on the sofa and I changed the channel but then everything went dark for a second, followed by the flickering of lights.

"Woah, this is doesn't look good. Those ghosts don't seem to like me. I think I should go." I heard Daryl swear too and decided it would be best to bring Drew outside. As soon as we stepped out, the flickering stopped. I'm pretty sure that's Ben's doing.

"Your house is really spooky."

"Yeah... They keep acting up when we have visitors." I lied. That looked really bad. Perhpas it would be best to warn him for his own safety.

"Listen, Drew. You shouldn't get too involved with me."

"Why? Does it have to do with that stalker your brother was talking about?"

"Umm.. yeah. It's kinda dangerous so it's better if we don't become too close." Much to my surprise, he smiled. I wonder if he's even taking me seriously.

"I don't care. I like you."

"H-huh? I mean, we can still be friends but i'm just saying that you shouldn't get too involved."

"No, I mean, I like you more than a friend so a stalker won't stop me from liking you. I promise, I can take care of myself."


"I'm just saying that I'd really like you to be my girlfriend, and I don't care if your stalker will be pissed or not. I like you."

My eyes went wide when I heard this. I really don't know how I feel about him but it's a little too early, I mean we just met. Plus Ben is going to complicate things.

"I-I'll think about it, alright?" I answered. this was the best thing I could think of right now.

"Of course, I understand. I'll pick you up tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay. Seeya."

We said our goodbyes and I stepped back into the house. Two confessions in one day is a little too much for me.

Zelda (Ben drowned X reader)Where stories live. Discover now