Chapter IX: Split Up

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{ Continuation of the depressing last chapter. }

Violet spent the majority of the night crying on Clementine's shoulder. She also attempted to get Clementine to go back to bed, even though she genuinely didn't want her to. Thankfully, Clementine said that she wasn't going anywhere. Plus, now the two girls were fully awake. Nightmares made Violet more tired, but she was enjoying Clementine's company too much to fall asleep on her.

As of right now, Violet had her face nuzzled into Clementine's neck and Clementine had her arm wrapped around Violet's shoulders, pulling her unbelievably close. All she wanted was to comfort the saddened girl as of right now. "If Louis was out here, he'd crack some amazing jokes." Clementine smiled when she felt Violet giggle into her neck, it tickled a little.

"Him and Aasim are probably jacking each other off right now." Violet joked, making the 'handjob' motion with her hand.

"Ew, Vi!" Clementine's nose crinkled at the thought of them doing that right now. "I highly doubt that they would do that this soon... Yah know what, let's just change the subject." Clementine chuckled a little.

Violet moved her face out of Clementine's neck and noticed that the sun was out. Just then she heard the doors of the dormatories open and she almost flew off of Clementine. Luckily, it just looked like she resituated her position on the couch.

"Smooth." Clementine giggled before standing up and stretching. Her muscles hurt from not moving for a while, but she enjoyed cuddling and comforting Violet. Clementine turned and looked behind her, as she was greeted by the rest of the kids coming out at damn near the same time. "Guess it's time to get to work." She sighed out, mostly talking to Violet. "I need to go talk to Mitch about making better fishing spears, and more arrows. I'll talk to you later, love." Clementine smiled and crouched down, so she wasn't in view of the other kids. Violet cupped Clementine's cheek and pulled her into a loving kiss, before Clementine could even make a move. Violet wanted the kiss to last forever, but air became something the two of them needed. They parted and Clementine made her way towards a tired-looking Mitch to discuss some combat and weapon-making with him.

Brody came and took a seat next to Violet. "Hey Vi." She smiled.

"Oh, hey, Brody." Violet greeted with a smile. "What do you want to do today?" Violet questioned, usually letting everyone do what they wanted, unless they desperately needed to do a certain thing.

"I can go help Ruby get the crops started in the greenhouse, but we don't have a lot of seed. I don't know where to find any around here without scavenging farther out. I know that there used to be a botanical shop a couple miles out that we haven't searched. The place is probably ransacked, but it might be worth a shot?" Brody suggested, but then instantly changed her mind. "Actually, it's far outside the safe zone and I don't want to risk it." 

Violet cut her off. "That was one thing that Clem and I talked over. I agree that we need to go out and scavenge more. We should have went outside the safe zone to the train station long ago." Violet then stood up. "I can take Clem and Louis with me."

Brody obviously was paranoid by the idea, and she had every right to be.

Violet placed a firm, yet comforting hand on Brody's shoulder. "Everything will be fine." She reassured before heading over to Clementine to explain the plan.

Clementine agreed, and AJ was going to tag along because he was always down for adventure. Violet also convinced Louis to come along, for protection. Aasim sadly couldn't come because he had to go check the rabbit traps with Willy.

Eventually, the four of them set off. They followed the trail that would lead them to the road. They figured they could follow the road and look for places on the way. Brody remembered it being somewhere on the left whenever the road split because Ms Martin had taken her there a couple times pre-apocolypse. Even though Brody was a Troubled Youth, she had proven her worth even before the dead started feasting on people. She just couldn't leave because her parents didn't want her anymore. They had moved on and started their own life, leaving her behind.

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