Chapter 4

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They walk in silence, and Kongpob has to refrain from saying anything, breaking the quiet calm between them.

I don't really get you, Kongpob.

Kongpob smiles at the ground, watching his feet with every step he takes as he mouths the words he replied with. He can feel Arthit sometimes look over at him before looking away quickly whenever Kongpob lifts his head. They continue on like this until they reach the cafe, the two of them joining the short queue in front of the register. When they're second in line, Kongpob turns to Arthit. "You like pink milk?"

"How do you—no!" Arthit's cheeks are flushed, and Kongpob even sees the tips of his ears turning red. Kongpob bites his lip to stop a laugh from spilling out before smiling.

"That's okay, P'Arthit," he says. He turns forward when the person in front of them is done paying. "I think it suits you."

Arthit splutters out more indignant words, but Kongpob pays them no mind, taking a step forward so he can give their order. An iced coffee for him, and...

"A pink milk for him, please." Kongpob gives his best smile as he points to Arthit, who glares daggers at his back.

When they're walking away, Kongpob having paid, a smug grin on his face, Arthit shoves him.

"You're so weird," he says.

"Am I?" Kongpob asks, glancing over at him as they stop in front of a small table in the back corner. "I think you're just too uptight. Loosen up some, P'Arthit."

Arthit looks ready to punch him. Kongpob just shakes his head, smiling as he takes a seat. A couple minutes later, the minutes filled with a tense silence and Arthit glaring at Kongpob, a waitress delivers them their drinks, and Kongpob's lips curve upwards even as he takes a drink of his coffee, absolutely enthralled with the blushing senior in front of him. Arthit refuses to meet his eyes as he lifts the cup, placing the straw to his lips, and takes a long sip.

"So," Kongpob says as soon as Arthit's set the cup back down. He picks up his bag, placing it on the table, forcing Arthit to hold onto his drink. "We're going to work on the student council's budget today. Hima got sick, so we'll do her part. Sound good?"

"I'm already here," Arthit grumbles, "so I don't get much of a choice, do I?"

Kongpob pretends to think for a second before shaking his head. "I suppose not."

If he glares at me like that for a second longer, I'm afraid I'll melt into the floor. Kongpob shakes his head. Or I'm used to it by now. Jeez.

"So here's a calculator, and a couple of pencils and erasers." Kongpob smiles as he moves his bag back to the floor to instead pull out the supplies they'll need and then the notebook with all the information about the money in student council. "I'm right here if you need help."

"Because you were so helpful when you made me do all the work you were supposed to do," Arthit mutters, making Kongpob pause.

He knew his work took a toll on Arthit, but he wanted to see if he could actually do it all. Arthit's reputation precedes him, a reputation of hard work and determination, and, when Kongpob had reviewed all the papers, all the circles and cross-outs, he found that the senior's reputation is true. Immediately, he had been filled with guilt, but what are the chances of Arthit accepting his apology? And... Kongpob sneaks a glance at the Third Year in front of him, there's no way Arthit can forgive him. He's pretty sure the guy hates him.

So he holds his tongue and instead gets out his own supplies, separating the documents and folders into two. "Just tell me when you need to go. I've got all day to do this."

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