Chapter 38

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Another chapter up! I had some fun with this one and made them actually kinda humorous. I have exams this week but oh well, I'm not abandoning my Wattpad ever again! I missed my stories too much hehe.

For my next story I have a couple of ideas. Comment on whatever one you would prefer to read. (No worries, my focus is going to be on The Jinchuuriki Alliance):

1) Adopting my best friends' story that we wrote together on her account, 'Spying Is Never A Good Thing' by @xXfRoSt_AnD_FlaMeXx, she stopped writing on Wattpad a few months before I stopped updating a few years ago (school and dat ya know, we never stopped talking about it though lol)

2) Anyone who wants to send me a story idea that they want to be written. If I get inspiration for it, I'll write it.

3) An AU modern fic, with the Naruto characters.

4) Another fanfic, probably Kuroko no Basuke.

Still have rough ideas, but let me know!

Enjoy Chapter 38~

~ Wolfie / Lily


Everybody stand up! Today's the best time to get up!

Before my eyes you still don't stop, speed hunter

Everyone is a victim to that attraction, Yeah! (Come on!)

Everybody Hands up! It's the highly anticipated Hero's Come Back!

Hold up your fingers and count down, let's go, 3-2-1 make some noise!

- Hero's Come Back - Naruto OST

The Jinchuuriki Alliance (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 38 - Heroes Come Back

Team 7 were stood around what seemed to be the entrance of the Uzushiogakure, the Village Hidden in Whirlpools. It was the shape of a gate, but the broken and worn down rocks were intertwined with weeds and ivy. They stood staring at the arch shaped gate and Naruto pondered what to do in order to enter.

"Blood?" Sakura quipped, remembering that Naruto had to unlock a blood seal when opening the hideout within Hashirama Senju's statue.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, "I don't think so. Since it's the Uzumaki village, but not only Uzumaki's lived there, it shouldn't be limited to Uzumaki blood. However, chakra can be adapted in small ways, so maybe your chakra would open it up."

Sighing, Naruto rubbed his temples, "It wasn't closed off when the village was still active, it only got closed by the remaining Uzumaki's when the village was attacked."

"Why was it attacked, anyway?" Sakura tilted her head and asked.

"Too powerful." Naruto answered simply, he looked at Sakura and explained further. "Let's just say, the Uchiha were nearly wiped out by one of their own, and it took multiple nations to do the same to the Uzumaki." He studied Sasuke's face to see his reaction.

The said Uchiha's eyes dimmed and he grit his teeth and clenched his fist. "Well it was unexpected. Don't fuckin' insult-"

Sakura laughed awkwardly, "Maa maa boys, let's not start something like this... Both of your families were massacred, let's move on." She pat their shoulders.

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