The Kirby Main - A Super Smash Bros Story

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    The blue Kirby struck his opponent in a flurry of punches and sent him flying, but of course, it still wasn't enough. The rival red Kirby effortlessly floated back to stage.

    “No, Kirby is my main dammit!” The player thought to himself. “I've already lost so many times… I'm not going to lose to another Kirby!!!”

    In a fury, the blue Kirby charged at the red one in a furious fiery comet. However, he whiffed. At the end of his attack, he found himself before a smirking red Kirby with a fully charged fiery hammer. With the force of a freight train, the poor blue puff ball was struck, sending a crackling red lightning everywhere as he was blasted off the stage.


    “ARRRGH!” The frustrated Kirby main cried as he barely fought the urge to throw the controller. “No! I'm not ending it like this!” He hit the rematch button. The opponent accepted. And back at it her went. Again. And again. And again. He lost every time.

    “What an I doing wrong??” The player asked himself. “Why can't I beat him?” This was when he noticed a new pattern in his opponent's behavior. He was just sitting there. Using the Kirby's vacuum ability. Just sitting there…

    “Is… is he mocking me??” He seethed. He charged at the red Kirby… only to fall right into the vacuum… again… and again…

    The Kirby main stopped for a moment, realizing he was getting nowhere. He watched the red Kirby in dismay. Was he really going to lose to this guy? He contemplated just leaving the match. But then a thought occurred to him, remembering all the times his opponents had gotten around his own vacuum. If he could just land a forward smash right outside the vacuum…

    He took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and approached. He slowly walked up to the red Kirby, crawling so he was just outside the vacuum's range. It didn't move. Just continued using it's vacuum attack. Then it clicked. This is what his opponent wanted. He wasn't mocking him. He was trying to teach him!

    The Kirby main used his forward smash, landing a blow on his opponent without getting sucked into the attack. In response, after doing this for a bit, began approaching and jumping while using the vacuum attack. The Kirby main then adjusted and learned how to approach that as well, even using the technique himself.

    After doing this with various moves, they began fighting for real, only now the Kirby main was having a hard much better results. He even managed to win a couple times!

   Eventually the session had to end, so he gave the quick message “last match for me.” to let the red Kirby know.

    The next match, he gave it his all. He could tell the Red Kirby was doing so as well, cause this match the red Kirby was much more difficult to deal with. He would have liked to end the session with him overcoming his opponent, but he still lost 2-0. However, his opponent had sent a quick message, saying “You're pretty good!”

    The Kirby main smiled with pride. He figured he wouldn't win, but someday, maybe he'll face this opponent again. And win!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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