The Guardian - a Terrarian Adventure

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"You can't enter until you free me from my curse! FREE ME!!!!"

Skairys nervously walked past the man. "Sorry sir," he apologized. "I've no idea how to cure you, but perhaps the answer lies inside." He tested the door. Just like that less than friendly angel had told him. It was unlocked.

"YOU CAN'T GO INNNNN!" the man called after him. However, the door had already opened and shut.

"Apparently I can." He whispered to himself behind the closed door. The dungeon was dark and absolutely riddled with cobwebs. Very few torches lit the dusty corridor. Fortunately, he had brought hundreds of torches just in case.

"You ready Uufi?" He asked his small alien companion. It gave a cheerful and affirmative beep.

The two traveled through the abandoned ruin, occasionally finding small treasures along the way. His favorite being the books.

"I wonder what secrets these books may hold!" He then gasped at an idea he had. "That's what the Dragon Fae Tavern needs! A library!"

He quietly jumped in self-celebration. "Man, I don't know what that grumpy angel was talking about. This dungeon has been perfectly fine. I guess we've gotten more experience than she thought, eh Uufi?"


"... Uufi?"

The last thing he saw was a massive skull the size of which he had never even imagined before. The last thing he did was scream. The last thing he felt was being bitten right in half...

He woke up standing in the middle of The Dragon Fae Tavern, shaking like a leaf.

Maxwell, his guidance angel, stood at the bar in his mortal form polishing a glass clean.

"So," Maxwell said. "you want me to tell her how it went, or you?"

"Shut the fuck up Maxwell." Skairys grumbled as he tossed a book at him. "I'm storing my loot and going to the jungle."

"Should I prepare another headstone for your-" Maxwell counted on his fingers for a second. "- fifth corpse?"


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