Leo in the Sky of Diamonds - A Terrarian Tale

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    Skairys wiped his brow as he finally sat back from finishing his latest project. One more room had been added to his Tavern. Now all he needed to do was call that painter and finish the deal.

    “Ya know,” Maxwell said as he sat in his lawn chair wroking on his tan. “You may be a lousy fighter and your construction is total shit, but you're actually getting pretty good at this whole real estate thing. Way to take advantage of your power of creation schtick. I would have expected you to just keep grinding monsters for money and training non-stop like most other typical heroes.”

    Skairys wasn't sure whether to take that as a compliment or not, he just shrugged and thanked him. “This actually ain't such a bad gig. Might even use my experience here to get into real estate for real in my own world some day!” Both of them laughed at the thought. Just then, his phone started ringing. “Must be Leo. I better let him know his room is ready.” He answered the phone and was correct in assuming it was Leonardo the Painter. However...

    “Hey Skai! How's it going? I wanted to let you know that I found the room. Man! Talk about a hookup! You gave me a room in the sky? This is amazing!!”

    “Um…” Skairys looked at the very grounded room he had just finished building. The very grounded and empty room. “No problem buddy, but… what room are you talking about? I didn't build a-” he then stopped mid-sentence. There was no way…


    After an arduous journey through jungles and deserts, and a long fly up a shabbily made dirt ladder, Skairys finally made it to the abandoned island in the sky he discovered a few days ago. Lo and behold, he was greeted by none other than Leonardo the painter.

    “Hiya!” Leonardo smiled casually to him.

    “How?” Skairys simply asked, out of breath from the trek.

    “Huh? How what?”

    “How? How are you here?”

    Leonardo, a very ordinary looking painter wearing very ordinary looking clothes with no sign whatsoever of any magical capabilities, thought to himself for a moment. Then shrugged and grinned humbly. “I'm not really sure to be honest. I was kinda looking around, and found the room you made for me. Sorry if it was supposed to be a surprise!”

    “But, I didn't-” Skairys stopped himself and quietly groaned. He couldn't move Leonardo to the actual room now. To do so would require escorting him and having to keep the poor guy alive the entire journey. That just wasn't going to work.

    “Everything okay?” Leonardo asked. Skairys forced a smile saying. “Peachy.”

    “Great!” Leonardo smiled cheerfully. “Would you like a look at my wares?”

    “... You know what? Why not?” He said before purchasing painting tools for the Dragon Fae Tavern.

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