99 Problems - A Tetris Tale

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    “Alright, let's do this.” Gabriel grinned as he booted up his switch. “Let's see how good of a Tetris player I am!”

    He watched in intrigue. Tetris 99 was essentially the first puzzle battle royale game. He was a fairly decent Tetris player, so he figured he'd do fairly well. He watched his screen glow into a gridded backdrop. However, he realized that it wasn't just a fancy backdrop. Each rectangle was a different opponent from around the world!

    He felt his heart pulse at the idea of defeating them all. He felt his competitive side grow and grinned. “Bring it on!” he quietly cheered to no one.

    The game counted down. “Three… two… one… START!”

    He flicked his right stick down so that he could Target his blocks to anyone who was planning to attack him with their garbage. Suddenly, his screen was absolutely filled with bright yellow lines and the bottom of his screen flashed red despite the game just starting.

    “Wha- what's goin-” before he knew it, everyone had sent their blocks to him, filling his screen with garbage and immediately eliminating him from the match. Game over.

    Gabriel sighed, “... Ninety-nine opponents… And I couldn't beat one…”

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