Season 3: Episode 4

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Tales of Legend 🥥?
Season 3 ⛴
Episode 4 🤩
🤫Poison in my veins🤫🤫🤫

Surprisingly today I was bored.. I decided to text a random person like back then when we were hitting anyone up...... Got this group on telegram and saw this girl, she looked nice so I pc'd after the intro she ticked me....
. Surprisingly I was happy... Charley its been a long time, I miss that shit.. Thanks @Baaba_jamal 😂😂.
I was in my room and Bela was naked on me giving me a blowjob... Truth is it felt amazing then all of a sudden she stopped😳 looked at me and asked " What did my dad do? Tell me" ... She grabbed me and kissed me deeply.....
When I looked at her again I started telling her the story 🙈..
She was furious guess it was my turn to seduce❤️
I held her hand and rubbed it slowly then kisses it.. I told her how her dad just wanted what was good for her 😒... Bra Kojo was a hard pillar she kept starring at it then she pounced on me 🙊 and you guys know what happened
No details...
After she had left I cleaned the hall and went to sleep.... 😴
Arnd 11:00 pm I got a call😒... I ignored but the person kept calling👿 so I picked the phone answered the call and waited for the person to talk
When I heard the voice I totally forgot sleep... It was Bella's dad...☠
He was breathing heavily " If I see you near Bela again you'll be a goddamn carcass"..... They he hung up 🤒
I was asleep when I got another call .... This time it was my mom.... Lyk wtf? She never called me this late plus UK time was the same as Ghana time so wtf was going on? 😐
She was crying and was telling me she heard I raped and beat up Bela... Qwer me? 😳
I explained things to mom, she was telling me abt how she called Bela's mom but ended up speaking to her husband.... The man was a poisonous snake 😱.. In no time we were having a conference call.. Bela's mom, My mom and moi......🤒
Bela's mom was all about how she didn't want me dating her daughter cause she knew something like this was gonna happen 😳... She also told me the police were coming for me... I hang up wore my slides and ran out of the house.... I went far, got a hiding place and waited 😞... In no time a police van was in our parking space... I had locked the front gate so they were stuck outside..... They banged the gate till the whole neighborhood was awake... Then they went back into the van... They were there for like an hour when my dad came back from work 😳..... I don't die 😢 ... He was talking to the police and I could see the anger in his eyes from lyk a mile away 😫.. At that moment I realised I needed Christ in my life 🤣... My dad left with them.... I sneaked into the house, got my travelling bag packed some clothes and other shit i might need.... I had Mobile Money, but I still took lyk GHC 500.00 from money I had set aside for things
I got a hoodie too plus my gadgets.....
I was stepping out when an all black Venza stopped ryt in front of me...
The glass came down.... It was Bela's dad 🤬
Tales of Legend 🙌🙌

Tales of Legend 🙌🙌
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