It was all just a simulation

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Tobias's P.O.V


Jeanine Mathews stood in front of me as I struggled to escape the withholding straps wrapped around my torso."Please! Where is Tris?"

"Tris is being held captive by our one and only Eric. A disease has spread throughout the country. We have set up a few trials to test your reactions for the cure. If you would cooperate that would be great."

She walked away like there was no end to the story. What did she mean by trials? Eric? Tris? How are they still alive? "Wait!" I screamed as Jeanine walked through the door and left me there. I need to figure out what kind of disease this is. If I can find Tris and Eric maybe we can find the cure and get out of this mess.

I can't get out of these straps. "Please!" I screamed as the straps with drawled me from sitting up. They can't just keep me here.


Finally the straps broke. I am free. I ran to the window and slammed my fist through it. My hand ached with shards of glass falling from the cuts. Blood dripped off of my wrist, a hot gooey liquid, but I was desperate. As I crawled through the window glass cut through my clothes and skin like a million tiny needles. I fell ten feet before I hit the ground. My head connected with the ground, pain shooting through my skull. My forehead ached and throbbed as I stood up. I stumbled to the fence and started climbing.

As I climbed the fence, sharp spikes tore through my clothes and skin. The pain surged through me. All I could think about was Tris and Eric. I couldn't fight the thought of him hurting her. As I tumbled over the side of the fence I started bawling. The thoughts of frustration and fear ate at my brain as I cried.

I stood up, fighting the urge to just lay there and die of exhaustion. I ran towards the road. As I got closer and closer to the small city past the fence I heard a car start. I sprinted behind the nearest house and searched for the source. There it was. The car drove past me as if I wasn't even there. Then suddenly it stopped.

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