Loving you (a divergent love story)

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Tobias/four P.O.V


After the whole war thing I couldn't believe how stressed I was about Tris dying. I was completely devastated. All I could think was

that it was my fault, that I caused her death. I killed Uriah, and a bunch of other people because I got so ticked off about wether

or not I was divergent. I am so angry with myself! Why did I have to be such an idiot. I should've seen it coming.

I remember a lot of memories mostly of Tris's and my friends. I remember Marlene letting Uriah shoot the muffin off of her head. I remember

Fernando getting shot from the top of that old building. And...now they're all gone. Uriah and Marlene loved each other and then she got killed

by Jeanine Matthew's evil plan to wreck everything the Divergent have.. I remember how much Tris hated Molly Atwood because she

fancied Peter. I remember almost everything, especially when Peter gave up his memory. But thats all gone now because of stupid old me!

Christina's P.O.V


Ever since Tris died Tobias has been a mess. Yesterday (the day Tris died) was the first and only day you will ever see him cry, he cried so hard it

made me cry. He keeps saying that it was his fault she even died. I tried to comfort him but I don't think he likes me as much as

I've always liked him. Tobias is one of those guys that pushes away anyone who could possibly care about them, Except for Tris.

I was talking to Cara about who she liked and she said that she has always had a thing for Peter, all I could think was Ugh! Peter. Of course

I didn't actually say that, but still Peter; really?

Peter's P.O.V


I can't remember who I am or where I came from or if I have a concussion or got shot by some sort of memory erasing serum.

All I can think about is the one and only person I can remember I think her name was Cara.


Hey guys I am super excited about this book! tell all your friends to read it except for @DancingBrynners She wants to read the book first.

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