6+4... In the end

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Tris's P.O.V


"Mom no you can't leave me!"

"Yes I can sweetheart it's the only way"

"Mom!" I screamed as I tried to hold on the the very string of my memeories. Screaming and kicking the coffin didn't help. I had

already been buried halfway into the ground. "NO! stop!" I demanded as they put dirt on top of me. I could hear Tobias's last words

to me, "I love you", as i went deeper and deeper. A few seconds passed and I could hear them start to dig the hole to Eric's grave.

I kicked and screamed as hard as I could, no one could hear me. I kicked the coffin so hard a little hole started to appear. I

could tell I wouldn't last long, that I would sufficate. Still I tried so hard to get to the top. I heard a car driving through the cemetery.

It sorta sounded like one of the cars that was past the gate. I knew I was getting closer. But the average person can only last

three minutes without air. I heard the cars engine fade into the distance. Please help, I thought as the engine faded. I felt my lungs start

to concave as I reached the near top. it had only been about two minutes since I got to the dirt. Finally my hand stuck through the

ground like in one of those horror movies. I felt the cool air of spring on my face once again. I was alive.

Tobias's P.O.V


I couldn't believe how cold her face looks. We don't have the technology to take out her blood and organs so her

face is still pink.

Yet it seems like there is no longer Tris, the beautiful strong girl I once knew, inside that body. They let me close the coffin and

they lowered her into the ground. They got halfway into the dirt when I swear I heard thumping. I asked Matt if he heard it to but

I guess I was just hearing things. Then the screaming started. It sounded like she was still there, like she wasn't dead after all.

But I knew it couldn't be true. We moved on to Eric's. We put him in the grave and started putting dirt on top of his coffin. He, too,

sounded like his soul might be trapped in that massive body of his.

Loving you (a divergent love story)Where stories live. Discover now