Ive finally found you

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Cara's P.O.V
I decided to go to the city after the war to see what was going on. I took a car from the deserted road that still had gas in it and drove to the city.

I drove past the same cemetery that Tris and Eric were put in to bring back a few happy memories.

When I got to the place I was looking for I stopped and sat on the bench for a while. And guess who came up and sat right

next to me!?! Peter?! It was him. I have had a crush on him for forever and I haven't told anyone but Christina. Her face explained that

I was crazy and she knew I would never find him. Oh well, haha to her! I started talking to him and I asked him if he was alright.

He didn't answer me. Then I told him it was me, and his face lit up with excitement. "what?"

"It's just I have lost my memory and the only person I remember is you"

"Seriously, I have had a major crush on you this whole time and..." I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine and my whole entire life flashed

before my eyes. Thats when I blacked out.

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