8- Having a little fun

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Evan pulled into a empty parking lot and turned off the car. He turned around and looked at her "If you meant that you're holding a grudge against me as well, I have been trying to talk to you and give you my side of the story."

"I don't need it." She said in anger "I wish you would just take these fucking things off, they're hurting my damn wrists."

"Wow, such language for a hot, sexy, beautiful woman." He said shocked.

"Yea well... can we get going, I want to get this over with so I can go home and go to bed." She snapped.

He shook his head and started the car, he then smiled "What if I told you that you're not going home, that you'll need to spend the night in jail?"

"I'd say that you're full of shit, same as what you were years ago."

He shrugged his shoulders and chuckled "Very well."

He smiled all the way to the police station, he was going to make her sit in the cell over night and have her think about things, hoping that she will give him a chance to explain himself.

He parked inside the stations garage and opened up her door "You know, if you would have just talked to me, I would have let you go." He says peeking his head in the door.

"What kind of language is that you're speaking, because it sounds like bullshit to me." She started to say angry, then sighed while speaking to him when she looked at his eyes.

He helped her out of the car and began to walk her inside the station. "Well maybe you need a night in the holding cell, you should have just talked with me."

"I get a phone call you know." She said harshly.

"Not tonight my dear." He smirked.

He walked her inside and sat her down at his desk, then sat down and began writing his notes down. Asking her questions. "Damn I didn't know that this was an interview, I already told you... the fucking bitch had it coming after her nasty remark to me."

"Which was?"

She gave him a dirty look, she wasn't about to repeat it to him, especially since she had already told him what Trudy had said. "Just put me wherever you need to, I'm not saying another word."

He took a deep breath and stood up, taking her by the arm he took her fingerprints and picture then brought her to a holding cell "It's cold in here, where's a damn blanket." She asked after he closed the doors.

"Sorry hun, can't help you there."

He walked away with a smirk on his face. He just wanted her to stop with the attitude and hoped that she will finally give him a chance to explain what happened back then.

After a few hours he went and checked on her, she was curled up in a corner trying to keep herself warm. "Would you like me to turn the air conditioning on?" He chuckled.

He had to laugh when he saw her hands that were resting on her knees spin around, and began flipping him the bird with both hands.

"I take that as a no?"

"Are you going to let me go?" She asked quietly.

He placed his hands on the bars and rested his head against them "Depends on if you'll finally listen to me."

When she didn't answer, he walked away, walking back to his desk and called Beavers R' Us to see if Coco was working. He was able to talk to her and filled her in where Candy was at and what she did to be put in there.

"I'll be right over there." She sighed.

About an hour later Coco walked into the station asking for officer Williams. He was notified that someone was in the lobby looking for him and walked out to have a word with her.

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