"Oh my god! Is that a hickey!?" John shouted. Sherlock took another step closer.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Sherlock used the low voice he had been using earlier and John felt a chill go down his back.

"No Sherlock! I am not jealous!"

"Then why do you care?" Another shiver went down John's spin, and Sherlock took another step towards the doctor.

"I don't care."

It wasn't hard for Sherlock to deduce that John not only cared but was quite jealous.

'Maybe Jake could help me do more then find Moriaty.'

"So you don't care if I see him again?"

"What! No! Sherlock you can't see him again, seriously you are kidding, right?"

"Why would I be kidding?"

"You punched him, less than a week ago!"

"How does that expression go? There is a fine line between love and hate."


"It's an expression John. Don't worry, I have no positive feelings towards Jake Rogers, let alone love."

"At least that's something." John groaned.

"Feel better?"

"Actually, a little bi- Wait what? No I don't care! I don't care at all!"

"Could have fooled me." Sherlock grinned smugly.

"It just isn't what anyone wants to walk into."

"Next time, I'll try to give you a heads up."

"Next time?! You know, fine Sherlock. Fine! Do what you want!"

And with that John stormed up to his room and slammed the door. Sherlock smiled and picked up the Chinese food John had brought home.


John's POV

What the hell was that? Why did I react like that? Why am I so upset? Why am I so angry?
I paced across my bedroom unable to get the image of Sherlock and Jake out of my head. I don't have feelings for Sherlock! Ok maybe I have a few feelings for Sherlock. But just because you think about someone all the time or your heartbeat races when they're near you doesn't mean you have feelings for them!

I'm straight! I'm straight. I'm straight?

Ok so maybe I'm not straight but I am NOT gay! Right?

Well I am certainly not jealous! I just want to rip Jake's head off, that all.
How is this even happening? Less then a week ago Sherlock punched Jake in the nose and now they are making out and doing God knows what else in the flat.

Less than a week ago Sherlock basically declared his love for me! That should bother me a lot more then it does. Jake and Sherlock should bother me a lot less then they do.

Jake and Sherlock. I don't even like how that sounds! It's too harsh! It's just disgusting, really. Thinking about them together makes me want to vomit!

WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME? I laid down on my bed and screamed into my pillow. Oh my god I'm turning into a teenage girl.

Ok this is what's going to happen Sherlock is gonna see Jake again and it won't bother me at all. Not at all. I will not be jealous, I will not want to throw Jake out the window. I will not want to switch places with Jake.

Yes that's what's going to happen. Because I have no feelings for Sherlock Holmes. None!

End of John POV


Jim Moriarty was cutting up stake when his phone buzzed.

Any information you need on Sherlock, I can get for you, I have a way in.


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