You wrapped your left arm firmly around the cat, holding him tightly to your chest and ran for the edge of the platform, your broom held ready in the other. You dove spectacularly off of the roof to the terror of the cat clutched to your chest. You laid out flat against your broom as you dove headfirst for the ground. You were a skilled flier and pulled out of the dive at the last moment, impressing yourself with the ability to pull of a flawless Wronski Feint with only one hand, speeding toward the battle inches above traffic, nearly laying on your broom for speed, but not loosening your grip on Loki, who was being held remarkably like a quaffle. "Sorry, Lokes," oops, somehow his name got shortened. He could yell at you later. "We had to get back down to the ground quickly. Your idiot brother throws off the air pressure when he flies and it's too dangerous to fly further up while he's playing with lightning and flying. I told you I wouldn't let you fall," you soothed as you sped toward the battle.

You slowed slightly when you reached the battle. Iron Man and Hawkeye were trying to keep the battle contained. There were huge four-legged vaguely dog-shaped beasts and rock monster attacking the team and civilians. You loosened your grip on Loki and he leapt from your arms, returning to human-ish form before he hit the ground.

"Be careful," you called to Loki. He smiled at your concern as you hopped up on your broom to ride it like a skateboard, which usually gave you better versatility in battle.

"Always, darling," he replied warmly as he summoned a dagger, reviewing the battle for himself to see where he could help. He bid you to be careful as well.

"Loki! Good, you're here! The rock monsters are weak against ice!" Cap's voice called in your ear. Loki blasted a nearby rock monster with a burst of ice and it shattered to pieces. "Y/N, Nat's down,"

"Where?" you called. You saw Nat's distinctive hair and flew over to her. You stepped off your broom to kneel beside her and heal her. You stepped back up on your broom when that was done and flew around the battle, helping the others and blasting off bolts of magic at the monsters.

You rounded up the last of the civilians and got them away from the battle with Clint and Cap covering you. One of the hellhounds grabbed your broom when you flew too low over it, blasting at it with magic. You toppled off of the broom, skidding along the asphalt until you could roll back to your feet. One of Loki's clones was there in an instant, defending you and blasting the hellhound with a bolt of magic.

"Are you alright?" he asked as you took down the hellhound together.

"I'm fine, just a scrape," you replied as your broom flew back to you. "Thanks for the assist!" The clone vanished when you were safely in the air again.

"Y/N, slow these things down. We can't get a clear shot on these hellhounds," the four-legged beasts were fast, but they were grounded. You surveyed the battleground, noting everyone's positions, most were already scrambling up onto something so they wouldn't be on the ground. You saw Loki's clones, and finally caught sight of the real one. You could always tell the difference since you could see his magic around the clones. You sped over to him, dropping down to sit on the broom again as you flew.

"Loki!" You called as you reached a hand down to him. He reached his up automatically, and you pulled him up behind you on the broom. He jumped, helping you with the practiced movement of someone who was experienced in Legolas-jumping onto a horse in the middle of battle. He could ride pillion for this, you were just hovering, just above the battle. "Floor is lava, guys, hurry," you called over the comm as you waved your wand and concentrated on the quicksand spell. Loki watched your back, blasting flying rocks with his magic while the team used their skills to take down the hellhounds from their perches.

The Witch's FamiliarWhere stories live. Discover now