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Tsumugi dragged Shuichi through the bushes, staying quiet the whole way under the cover of darkness. For the last week, the two had been avoided cops and patrols. Apparently whereever Tsumugi was going was extremely guarded. Shuichi wondered where, but remembered the last night he asked. Tsumugi's face had been cold and guarded and her response was neutral. "I need to do something, you'll see when we get there."

Other than that the detective was surprisingly open about everything. It took a few tries to convince Shuichi to come with her. Her promise to make him worry less was the final mark.

Tsumugi noted how the boy was so trusted. It hurt her deep. He had shared with her his experiences. She had only half heartily listened. When it benifited her.

A flashlight shone over the bushes. Tsumugi stayed deadly still. It eventually disappeared. She could see the nervousness in Shuichi's eyes

"It's okay. We'll be there soon." Her hair shone as the moon hit it. Shuichi nodded, in awe of the cosplayer. He had no idea that she was manipulating him.

They snuck around in silence a bit more. The two were wearing matching camoflauge. Tsumugi lead the way while Shuichi followed.

After am hour they reached where they were going. A research facility? Shuichi thought.

He turned to Tsumugi. "Why are we here-"

Tsumugi motioned at him to shut his mouth. Her hand gestures were violent and eyes seemed to glow blue in the darkness. He obeyed.

She was so close.

So close.

Her lip was trembling.

She just needed to get in.

A distraction.

Her eyes focused on Shuichi. She hadn't brought him for no reason.

They would shoot him on sight.

"Shuichi." Tsumugi whispered.

"Hmm.?" Shuichi was still totally oblivious. He didn't know what Tsumugi's intentions were. But she was his friend. He trusted her.

"Can you do me a favour? I need you to run into the bushes over there. And, when I give the 'signal'" she made a gesture with her hands. "You run towards the center."

"And then what?" Shuichi asked.

Tsumugi chuckled. Shuichi wouldn't survive that far. "Then keep running."

Shuichi's expression was concerned. Of course he noticed the guns packed around the estate.

Maybe Tsumugi would disable them and let him run though. I mean, she wouldn't come out here without a plan.

Shuichi nodded.

The bluette ran into the bushes, nearer to the facility. She was the ultimate cosplay criminal. She laughed at the nickname.

She popped her hand up through the top of the bushes. Shuichi stopped for a minute before running towards the facility with all his power. The turrets shot him, and all Tsumugi could see was a mass of black on the ground. She didn't know if he was moving or not. She didn't care.

She snuck inside,picking up a crowbar and knocking one of the guards dead. She stole his outfit before sneaking around some more.

Room 222

That was where the most dangerous substances were held. She walked around, admiring the bottles of cancerous cells with a grin and looking into the rat cage. She recognised these specific rats from her history textbooks. The ones who had started the plague.

Now that she wasn't near Shuichi, she could act however she wanted. No longer needing to disguise herself.

Her eyes spotted a glittering USB next to some vials.


She picked it up, taking some of the vials with her, and exited the facility, which was still on high alert, thanks to the body. She using her cos play skills she could walk, talk and act like an agent.

She ran back to the hillside, leaving Shuichi's body behind her.

Darkness. Pain. That's all I can feel. All I can remember. I don't see anything. Could I see in the first place? Who knows. I don't know where the pain is coming from. It's not hurting anymore...... Or has it just been hurting so much I can't feel it anymore

The detective laided on top of a hospital bed. He couldn't find the strength to open his eyes. All he could feel was pain. It was slowly numbing as he drifted in and out of consciousness. He could hear voice, and if he really strained his ears, he could hear what they were saying.

"What do you mean the USB is gone?" The voice was angry, supposedly directly that anger onto someone else. "Jesus christ. We don't need to deal with her as well as the end of the world. Who even stole it? Don't you have camera footage or something?!"

The voice went silent as another, less angry, voice spoke. Shuichi couldn't make out the words.

"....So they deleted everything? Huh. We might be messing with a bigger threat than we thought. And if they managed to not only get an ultimate, but make us shoot them... We'll... Who knows who we're dealing with." The voice got quieter as Shuichi heard a door slam. He must have exited, Shuichi thought.

"Oh! The patients awake, by the way..." A third voice, much quieter and shy than the second or first.

"Huh. I honestly didn't expect him to survive...." The second voice said.

"I did the best I could...." the third voice seemed to saddened.

"Yeah, I know, and you did great Mikan. Can I ask him a few questions..."

Shuichi blinked his eyes open, noticing two blurry figures talking. He tried to sit upright, before falling to the bed in immense pain.

"Hello. My names is detective Kirigiri. I work for the future foundation." Shuichi could slowly see the girl start to fade in more and more. She had lavender hair and was wearing a white suit. "Can I ask you a few questions?"

The Ultimate Hunt {DRV3 AU} Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz