Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

We arrived in front of my aunt's home, walking up the cobblestone path to get to the front door. Liam and Louis stayed behind and Niall walked me the whole way. I pulled out the keys to open the door. I slipped the gold key into the keyhole, turning it to the right slowly. I jumped a bit, seeing the door open in front of me. I hadn't even unlocked it yet.

"Ethan? What are you doing home?" I asked, slightly confused. I thought he'd be working around this time.

"Boss let me out early. Gives me perfect time to check out your little boyfriend." He whispered to me and I groaned.

"Not now..." I snarled at him. We'd just dealt with Vanessa. I didn't want to deal with him now. He just ignored my pleads, eyeing Niall already.

"I'm Ethan. Her big brother." Niall offered out a hand to shake, but Ethan didn't shake his. He merely crossed his arms over his chest while Niall just awkwardly put his hands into his pockets. I glared at Ethan. He didn't have to be so rude.

"I thought you were her cousin?" Niall said, slowly. I could tell he was a bit confused.

"Oh, so she did mention me. Glad you were actually listening to Adelaide."

"Ethan," I pulled on his arm, pretty much begging him to stop.

"Of course. I always listen to Addie. Every word." Niall glanced at me for a second, a small smile on his face.

"It's just family's really important to us, you know?"

"I completely understand. Family's family. Can't live without them. They really support you through everything."

Ethan was slightly impressed, but I knew he was trying to hide it. "Mother's first name?"


"Adelaide, professional fangirl, is this true?" He asked me, making Niall chuckle a bit.

"Yes." I mumbled tiredly. I yanked on his shirt, pulling him down so I could talk to him. "Do you really have to do this? Now?"

"Problem, sweetheart?" He said in a mocking tone. I rolled my eyes and he looked back at Niall. "Excuse, Adelaide. She can be quite a handful. You sure you wanna deal with this everyday?"

Niall laughed a bit, but nodded firmly.

The look in Ethan's eye seemed to soften just a bit. "You really care about her, don't you?"

Niall nodded again without hesitation, making me smile a bit.

Ethan put an arm around me, and sent a cold look Niall's way. "You ever hurt her-"

"I wouldn't dream of it. I could never hurt such a lovely girl."

Ethan smirked a bit, then chuckled. I bit my lip nervously, anxious for his answer. Why was he laughing like that? If he didn't like Niall, he would probably never let me see him again. I know it seems pretty extreme, but it really has saved me a lot of broken hearts.

Ethan stuck out his hand again, a genuine smile forming on his face. "Welcome to the family!" He said, laughing a bit. Niall smiled too and shook his hand. "Sorry if I came off harsh at first. Just looking out for her." He ruffled my hair purposely ruining it. I stuck my tongue out at him and he stuck his out too.

"You two are very entertaining to watch." Niall was laughing at our small fights. "But yeah, I totally understand why you're so protective. I have an older brother so he's always looking out for me too."

"Ahh, so he knows the duties of being the eldest?" Ethan said, kinda sounding like a superhero or something.

"Oh look it's Super Ethan to the rescue!" I said teasingly. "Though I think it'd sound better with Niall's announcer voice." I nudged Niall and he smirked a bit.

"Ehh, all right." He cleared his throat a bit and began to do his voice over man impersonation. Ethan and I occasionally made him say random things, making it even funnier. We were all laughing and joking around a bit. It was nice to see my two favorite boys getting along.

"Hurry up, Niall!" Liam shouted, obviously tired of waiting.

"NIALL, I'M GOING TO BE 35 BY THE TIME YOU COME OVER HERE!" Louis groaned as well, making us all laugh. We quickly tried to wrap things up though I didn't want this moment to end.

"Nice to meet you." Ethan said. "Especially since I've heard so much about you already." He winked at me and I punched his arm. "Ow! Violent much!" He rubbed his arm, putting on a fake hurt expression.

Niall found our arguments very entertaining. I'll admit they were pretty funny. They were over the most pointless things, but we made such a huge deal out of them. I was usually right, but if Ethan was he would always make a big deal about it, even doing a little dance. He didn't get to dance very often, lemme tell you. Ethan reminded me like Louis a bit. He was very immature but could be dead serious when he wanted to be.

"All right, all right. Gotta get going. Bye Ethan." They shook hands and gave each other hugs. It was like one of those 'bro hugs' which made me smile like an idiot. Niall turned to me. "Bye Addie. See you soon?"

"Mmhmm!" I gave him a peck on the lips and hugged him tight. "Thank you for everything."

Niall smiled and nodded, obviously understanding what I meant. "You're very welcome." He kissed my cheek and jogged back down to the boys.

"Took ya that long!" Louis lightly smacked the Irish boy's head, making me laugh a bit. I waved goodbye to the three boys once they turned to look back at me. I watched them walk down the street a little longer until I followed Ethan inside, a small smile still on my face. We immediately crashed on the couch, me leaning on my cousin's chest while we were watching Friends. Eventually, I couldn't hold my eyelids up any longer. My eyelids fluttered a bit but eventually glued shut. I felt Ethan kiss my head and a thin blanket around my body. I no longer heard my cousin's steady heart beat, just felt a soft pillow cushioning my head. I had a long day today so sleep came pretty easy.


I wanted to say this in the last chapter but I didn't get the chance too. Since the last chap was about how Addie was bullied a bit, I just wanted to let my snowflakes know that I'm always here for you. I know every single one of you has a story. We all do. We've all dealt with something or faced something in life that's really hard for us. Maybe it is bullying, maybe you cut, or maybe you're anorexic. I really don't know but I want you to know that you can overcome ANYTHING. If you ever need someone to talk to maybe just to vent, I'm here. You can kik me or you can message me on wattpad. If your brave enough. I really don't mind. I'm just here if you need me. I might be going through the same thing you are. I'll give you the best advice I can if you need any. You're not alone. :)

Hope you liked the chapter. I'm very tired since I just got back from San Diego. Enjoy the clip of Niall's announcer voice. You know you love it. ;)

All right, bai my snowflakes. :) Love you all. :) xoxoxx

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