"How long have you known?" She asked quietly.

"Well since we first ran into each other back at the gym, I thought you looked familiar, I had a feeling that it was you, but you looked different, then when we played racquetball together and I helped you serve, I could just feel that it was you. I didn't want to say anything until I knew for sure, and the night at your workplace is what confirmed it. I knew that it was indeed you."

He picked her up and sat down on the bench, with her on his lap. "Every word that I said to you, I meant it. Each and every word."

She felt sick to her stomach, embarrased that he knew who she was, and didn't say anything about it until now, even after sleeping with her. Everything he said to her was sincere, but did he really mean it, or was this just another way to hurt her? Another sick game. She didn't know what to think, and moved off of his lap "I need to go home.. right now." She insisted, she walked over to the wheel wanting to drive the boat back to the pier, but remembered that he anchored.

He sighed, shaking his head "Scarlett, what happened back then wasn't me. You have to believe me."

"Please, I want to go home." She begged.

Evan pulled up anchor and turned the boat around, taking them back in. He felt bad, he tried talking to her more but she wouldn't respond back. All she could think about was what he did to her years back. She was having a hard time believing that he was being sincere about everything.

He tried talking to her again on the way home, but she wouldn't even look at him, or acknowledge that he was even talking to her.

"Don't bother opening the door for me, I can do it on my own, thank you." She said as he pulled up to her apartment building.

"Understood." He said feeling bad. He wanted to tell her everything right then and there but felt she still wouldn't listen or believe anything that he had to say.

Without saying goodbye, or thank you for the evening, she left. Once she got in her apartment she immediately went to shower, wanting to scrub him all off of her. While scrubbing herself down, she thought of how romantic that he was trying to be with her, how gentle he was and how caring he was to her.

She smiled at the thought of the multiple orgasms that he gave her, but then became confused at the thought of how he could want her. Especially now.

She had so much on her mind that she couldn't go to bed, and decided to clean. Scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom floors, walls and countertops, dusting, vacuuming, hoping that her neighbors didn't mind the vacuum running after midnight.

It was nearly three in the morning and she was still awake. She walked over to her dining room table and grabbed the yearbooks, bringing them over to her couch and began looking through them.

She came across Evan's picture and stared at it for a bit, studying how he looked then compared to now. He was just as gorgeous now as he was then, he now had some nice strong arms and abs, he really didn't change much, his hair stayed the same and his smile was the same, still making her weak in the knees.

She laid flat on the couch, yearbook still in hand and laid it against her chest, falling asleep.

For the next week Evan tried calling Scarlett, wanting to talk to her and see her. He wanted to make things right and for her to hear him out. He tried leaving messages for her to call him back, but she refused to.

It was a Saturday night and Scarlett wanted to have a night on the town, she  wanted a Saturday night off for once and traded nights with another gal so that she could go out.

Scarlett ...Can't Be Tamed Where stories live. Discover now