chapter 1 (butterfly)

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                                                                          Nollie Moon

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                                                                          Nollie Moon

                                                                          Nollie Moon

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                                                                 Richard Montgomery 

Perhaps a butterfly is proof that you can go through  A great deal of darkness yet become something beautiful. Noley turned her head in disgust. while listening to the words spill out of Richards mouth. Rich was her only and best friend he knew what a horrible life she had up to this point he was the only one who did. so she couldn't for the life of her understand why he kept coming around. she was so different from everyone in town. she was fat but most of the women had meat on there bones here in the great city of Apple Bay. she would rather run in the the forest than sit in side but most people in town preferred being out doors. she was the only black person well half black but there were a lot of people who were half this or that but she was the only half black or any portion of black. her mother saw to that when she left town. so here she sat listening to Rich read to her  country boy accent almost lulling her to sleep.

  She sat in the marsh running blades of  grass through her fingers. Her yellow sun dress shine in the sun. Her brown hair hung past her shoulders . She twirled a blade of grass between her fingers as she  wondered if her mother had bothered to stick around with things be different or was her father  always just mean as a snake caught in a door. She looked up at Rich still rambling on a strawberry blonde hair glowing in the sun. If she had to describe him and one would  she say 0KIE. And two words she would say good friend.  Noley  are you listening to me he asked a little concern on his face . one might say he could pass for Leonardo DiCaprio if he missed a few baths and had a gap. Yeah Rich just thinking is all She said. Thinking about what Rich asked. Same old things where I'm going to work this summer, what's for dinner, how to pay the bills . If you need money all you have to do is ask Rich said before Noley could come up with a  response she heard her name screamed  loudly across the cornfield Noley her father howled. Her body went rigid  it from the sound which didn't go unnoticed by Rich. he called you like a damn Pig rich said trying to make her laugh. He stopped  when he saw the look of despair on his friends face hey I meant what I said last summer we can run away from this place and never come back. "You couldn't do that to your  mama she already lost your daddy to the Oil rig and you're all she has left to run the business "she said compassionately. "I'd go for you" rich said it in a quiet voice. "Stop that crazy talk, nobody is leaving see you later Rich" she said hoping up and dusting off the dress. he stared longingly at the swell of her legs,that led to her round butt. the way her breast jiggled as she brushed away stray dirt patches. He watched as Noley headed towards home till she disappeared in the corn patches. he wished she would let him help her.

hmm is romance blooming or is rich too afraid to tell her how he feels

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