Chapter Thirty

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I'm sick and stuff so another chapter for you guys yay! Bye.

I'm in good health and was recently made aware of my eating habits.....apparently I'm a dirty vegan. Love you, mean it.


Vic's P.O.V.

Music: In One Ear by Cage the Elephant

I was walking through the mall beside Levi. We were shopping for birthday presents. Felix and Ashton were somewhere else shopping for us and we are shopping for them. "So what would they want?" I ask.

"Um...not sure really. I know what they want to get each other so that's sort of helpful. What do you usually get Felix?" Levi asks.

"Earbuds and cds," I say.

"Why?" She looked at me confused.

"He always loses his earbuds or breaks them and the ones he has now don't work on the right side so yeah. And he really likes cds like me so I buy him two cds every year," I say.

"You buy him the same thing every year?" Levi asked as we walked into the music store.

"No those are just the essentials. I buy him other stuff too. Usually food." I walked through the isles. Since I usually buy Felix's music or go with him to buy music I know what he does and doesn't have.

"Who does he like?" Levi flipped through cds.

"Everyone we do and some electronic," I say watching her over her shoulder.

"That makes things easy." She handed me a cd over her shoulder. I glance at the cover.

"Okay this is good," I say. She hands me another one. "You're amazing at choosing music. It takes me a million years. You may have to marry me right now." I pretend to swoon.

She rolls her eyes in the most adorable way. "You'd have to get my brother's blessing for that," she said smiling.

"Ugh. Of course the one time Ashton isn't keeping an extremely close eye on us I need him." Levi laughed. I walked over and grabbed a pair of blue earbuds. I haven't bought him blue ones in a while.

"We can leave now," I say.

"We need to go to the bookstore next. For Ash," Levi said. I nod and walk up to the cashier to pay. As we were walking out Levi slipped her hand into mine.

"What books does Ash like?" I ask.

"Anything pretty much. He's reading this series right now and the Umbra book store doesn't carry them and he can't find the last two so you can get one for him and I can get one for him so then we are both getting him something he'll probably nerd out about."

"I'd like to see him nerd out about something. I can use it against him later," I say following her around the store. After a horribly long amount of time looking for Ashton's books Levi found them and handed them to me.

"Hold these I'm going to go look for Felix something. You want to sit over there and read?" she asked.

"Yeah sure. Have fun." I kissed her cheek and she walked off. I pulled a book off the shelf and sat on the floor in a corner away from the isles so I'm not in anyone's way. I was about halfway through the second chapter of Legend by Marie Lu when someone walked over. I glanced up. Some bleach blonde skank was standing above me.

"Can I help you?" I ask. The girl was wearing a tight, short skirt even though it was December. Her sweater was totally see through because of all of the holes and she wasn't wearing much of a shirt underneath. I wonder what her face looks like, I can't tell with all of the awful makeup on.

"I think you can sweetie," she winked. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"I'm not interested," I say putting the book I was reading away. She followed me to the shelf.

"Are you really?"

"Yeah really." I hate girls like this.

"Aw come on. Why don't you take me out and buy me lunch?" she asked. I laughed loudly.

"I don't spend my money on whores, I'm not a pimp or a loser that can't get any on his own." I laugh again. My laughter was soon joined by someone else. Levi walked over from behind me and put her arm around my waist.

"He's actually happily seeing me and even if he wasn't he's not desperate enough for you hon. Sorry." Levi shrugged.

"Oh come on sweet cheeks, she's not pretty enough for a stud like you. Why don't me and you head back to mine?" the skank continued.

Levi was mad. This skank was about to regret ever being born. If looks could kill she would be six feet under.

"Listen hon, leave my boyfriend alone or I will sacrifice your soul and fuck your bitch. Are we clear?" The skank scampered of amazed and frightened at how calm yet absolutely frightening Levi was.

"That was hot. I want to marry you. Let's do it right now and you can run away with me and we can start a beautiful family of hot, scary, kids with good music taste, and a hairless cat named skippy." I say.

"No, Vic." She rolled her eyes and we bought the books. We're supposed to meet Felix and Ashton at the food court. As we walk over Felix looked grumpy and Ashton was talking to him. This is a different scene.

"What's wrong with you?" Levi asked Felix. He didn't respond.

"He's mad because I apparently was flirting with someone else," Ashton said. He sounded annoyed too.

"Because you were. A girl too," Felix mumbled. Ashton sighed.

"We were just talking while you were looking at stuff Felix," Ash insisted. Levi and I glanced at each other then back at the arguing couple. They went back and forth with each other before finally they gave up and I went over and ordered us a pizza. I walk over and I tried to make awkward conversations with Levi.

As we are eating I notice Ashton's hand was moving under the table. "Really Ashton?" I say. He looked at me innocently.

"You are not." Levi crossed her arms.

"He's not doing what you guys think you little nasties," Felix snapped. "He's trying to get me to hold his hand under the table. You guys need Jesus."

"Sure he was," I say.

"My hand is there too." Felix held his arm up from where it was in his lap.

"Honestly. You guys really think we do that in public. You're gross," Ashton snapped.

"We never know with you Ashton," I say. Ashton rolled his eyes and finished his pizza with both hands on the table.

"So now what, me and Levi and Ash and Vic?" Felix said.

"Wait why me and Vic?" Ash asked.

"Yeah why him and Vic?" I say.

"Because I want to talk to Levi because she listens to my problems," Felix said.

"I listen to your problems," Ashton said.

"I'm mad at you," Felix said.

"Fine I'll go with Vic," Ash said.

"Fine I'll go with Ash," I say. We glared at each other before getting up and walking away with each other.

"What did you get Felix?" I ask curiously.

"A thing," Ashton said shrugging.

"A thing?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Shut up," Ash rolled his eyes smiling.

"Oh I get it. Anyway what should I get your sister?" I ask.

"Well, she's really into books, music, and that's about it. We don't get into much," Ash says as we walk into a store. We went to a bunch of stores and I ended up buying Levi nerd stuff, band stuff, and a cool chain bracelet I found. Man I spoil her.

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