Chapter 27: Confouding Thoughts

Start from the beginning

"Hmph!" She turns her body to the side as she clutches the flowers and pearls closer to her chest before deciding to speak again. Her gaze briefly runs about the room before she turns back to him and says with a casual tone, "I have noticed that the human siblings are no where to be found today. I wonder where it is that they have gone off to?"

He remains silent as he picks up the documents to look at them once more, but his eyes are simply running over the words without processing them while his mind wanders to the two in which she speaks of. He understands what it is she's trying to do. It was made quite obvious that she's developed something of an infatuation for that irksome Rodion, and couldn't care less about his sister unless she found some annoyance with her fiancé's spending time with said mermaid.

"Oceanus, are you listening to me?"

He resists the urge to groan in annoyance as Lady Delmara takes to trying to catch his attention by raising her voice and waving a well-manicured hand in his face. It is a distraction to say the least, in terms of getting his mind away from his preferred companion, but it isn't a welcomed distraction at all.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Luckily for him, the Sea Goddess has seen fit to put him out of his misery, or at least that's what he would like to think. The doors swing open and in swims the Mandaran Prince, who has yet to go home to his own kingdom. He dips into an overexaggerated bow as Lady Delmara turns to him with a disinterested gaze.

"Greetings Aquarian Prince!" Finally, he releases the sigh he's been holding in as he now finds himself dealing with two nuisances instead of one. He just wanted to spend a peaceful day working. Is that truly too much to ask? Yet, apparently it is as Prince Alankar goes on to say, "I came in search of you because I would discuss something of great import."

Prince Oceanus stares at him with a hardened gaze for a few silent moments before briefly glancing over at Lady Delmara with a look that says it all. Her face briefly turns red as she lets out a loud huff and leaves the room with a slam of the doors, causing Prince Alankar to wince with an amused smile on his face.

"Now, what is it you wish to discuss?"

Prince Alankar is silent a moment before a distressed look suddenly comes across his face, which incites Prince Oceanus to prepare himself for troubling news. However...

"I cannot, for the life of me, find my glittering jewel! I have searched all over the palace and inquired as to her whereabouts, yet I can find no trace of her!" He cries in frustration as Prince Oceanus actually growls in frustration at having been disturbed for so trivial a reason. Yet for some reason, he finds himself mostly bothered by the fact that he refers to her as his "glittering jewel."

"She and her brother have gone out today. They will not return until sundown."

"Where is it that they have gone?! I shall rush to her side immediately!" This causes the Aquarian Prince to grimace. A strange feeling begins to blossom in his chest and it doesn't feel good at all as he glowers at Prince Alankar. For some strange reason, this entire conversation just bothers him beyond all comprehension and he finds himself clawing at his mind in search of a logical explanation for all of these dark feelings.

"You shall do no such thing. You forget that you are a Prince from another kingdom that happens to be here on official business. Therefore, we are responsible for your safety so I will not have your foolish desires take precedence over your safety when our kingdoms are trying to build on the delicate alliance we have formed!"

Prince Alankar deflates as he hangs his head in defeat, but that reaction lasts for only a second before a mischievous smile plays across his lips.

"You seem so bothered by my affections for the lovely Siren. Could it be that you, yourself, have become taken in by her immaculate beauty?"

An irritated scowl has Prince Alankar raising his hands in response with a grin on his face.

"I am much too busy to deal with your pointless games, so I would ask that you leave immediately."

"Very well. I shall set aside my inquiries for today, but I shall not yield in my pursuit of the lovely Siren. Of that you may be assured!" And with that, he leaves the room.

Prince Oceanus sighs tiredly as he's finally left alone to his thoughts and work. Only that lasts for only a few moments before yet another knock sounds at his door, eliciting a rather annoyed sigh.

"Who is it now?"

The door opens as a feminine chuckle sounds from the entrance, and he immediately catches sight of his sister which serves to dial down his irritation.

Princess Arcelia laughs as she offers her brother a sympathetic smile whilst saying, "Dear brother, you look positively aggravated! I take it you have had some rather excitable company?"

He scowls as he answers, "I wouldn't call them 'excitable'." A few different words run through his head, but he gives voice to none of them as he deems them inappropriate for his younger sister's ears.

"Though, I must confess that I did overhear a little of your conversation with Prince Alankar," she says sheepishly as she chuckles nervously under the sharp look her brother gives her.

"I would hardly call his prattle a conversation. Not goes through his head except the next mermaid that he would pursue," he says with a dismissive wave of the hand.

Princess Arcelia shrugs as she comments, "Well, I would much prefer Serena over Delmara. She is not well-liked amongst the people."

However, Prince Oceanus cares little as he picks up a nearby document requiring his signature. His gaze flickers up to meet the similarly colored gaze of his sister, staring at him pointedly.

"She would make for an ill-effective queen if she is not accepted by her own people."

"It is for the good of the people that we marry. We cannot be bothered with the nobles dissatisfaction, so this will serve to silence them and remedy the problem."

"At the cost of your own happiness?" She asks in disbelief before continuing, "Brother, do you truly possess the desire to marry Delmara? I would think that a terrible punishment to bring upon yourself."

"You forget yourself, Arcelia. The duty of the royal family is to see to the people's well-beings, and if it means forsaking our own happiness and desires then that is the price we must pay without complaint."

Despite his words, Princess Arcelia puffs up her cheeks as she scowls at her brother. "You are so stubborn! Do you, yourself, not even realize what is happening?!"

Prince Oceanus's brows furrow as he stares at his sister with a strange expression akin to confusion. "And what is it that is happening without my knowledge?" Finally, her expression morphs into one of disbelief as she places a hand against her head and sighs tiredly.

"Oceanus, if you need me to answer that question then you are truly hopeless," she replies tiredly as she turns her back and moves towards the doors. "I shall leave you to contemplate upon that answer yourself, but do not take too long to figure it out." After that last warning, she leaves and silence finally descends upon the room. Yet, Prince Oceanus can no longer bring himself to resume his earlier obligations that lay, forgotten upon his desk. His mind goes over his sister's words and his thoughts try to formulate an answer, one that eludes him.

Be that as it may, his mind can only formulate one thing, but reason dictates that as being preposterous as her face appears once more within his mind's eye...


Sorry this is late! Truth be told, I was kinda stumped and had to sit on it for a couple of days. I can't say if I'm satisfied with this, but let me know what all of you think! In the meantime, next week's update is for sure going to be late because I have some tests and quizzes going on throughout the entirety of next week. So I may get a chapter out for you two weeks after, so until then!

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