"Yo, I am sick of waiting, how long has it been already? Over an hour? He probably fucked up in there.", Vir aicha sat on the barricade by now with her feet dangling over the edge and was making a scene. Nothing new. Minho sighed.

"It's RM. He knows what he is doing.", RM was the oldest of their troop and the longest in the business. He was quite talented especially when it came to stuff like social events and not letting his cover blow.

"I still don't get how he can do this and be in a band."; Minho's head darted to Vir aicha. That RM was in the widely popular band BTS was a secret known to very few. RM – or also known as Namjoon- always made sure to cover up his face as much as possible while doing any work for Jung-ho.

"He's in a band? Like as an idol?", MG asked and stepped a few feet forward. Minho was quick to answer.

"No he is not, don't be stupid, how could someone do our job and stand in such an available-to-all-society position like being an Idol at the same time? Vir aicha is just talking shit again.", he shot her a look to not tell anyone and stared down at the street again. Minho only knew about Namjoon's secret because he met him once in the company where Minho dances and Namjoon greeted him with his assassin name. It wasn't hard to put one and one together after that. Minho didn't even want to know why Vir aicha knew about that but there was a rumour that she slept with quite a lot people of the business. Seeing him naked would have probably given her some hints to who he really was but Minho didn't know and didn't even want to know with whom Vir aicha shared her bed and with whom not.

Their in-ears cracked twice and RM's voice appeared. "Target traced. He's on the way out to the back. Ready in two minutes.", it cracked again and then was silent. Minho took one last deep breath.

"Daddy's calling.", Vir aicha mumbled and let herself fall backwards down the building. Minho glanced over his shoulder. Ysang took a run up to the railing, MG simply stepped up on it. Minho hated heights but took a step forward nevertheless.

They all made their way down the building through the fire ladders and balconies. Down at the street, they parted. Minho and MG made their way to the prepared van and Vir aicha and Ysang went to help RM with the target.

The Van was parked a few streets away but they quickly arrived it and Minho placed himself behind the steering wheel and was about to drive to the gala event as his in-ear cracked once again.

"Don't come here, stay where you are! Things kinda blew up, we'll come to you!", Vir aicha was with them, of course things would blow up. "Marked.", Minho said back and started the Van.

"Drive out to the street already, I can only fathom how bad things got with her.", MG said, an arm resting on Minho's seat the other hand on the seat next to him.

"Fucking go already!", they heard a scream behind them. MG turned around, Minho looked into the rearview mirror. "Dammit Vir aicha.", he mumbled as he took in the scene.

Ysang was holding the target hostage with his katana and shoved him to the van but at the same time, RM had to drag Vir aicha with him. She was fighting against his grip around her waist with her feet and hands and Minho assumed that you shouldn't come too near to her teeth either. As they reached the Van RM basically threw her into it and then tore Minho's door open.

"Move over we can't go the planned way.", Minho quickly cleared the seat and slipped into the back of the van. He almost tripped as RM went full speed immediately.

"Fuck you Ysang! And you RM! I wasn't finished! All these stupid rich semi-happy people! Why didn't you let me finish!", Vir aicha's ponytail was disheveled and the makeup on her right side seemed smudged. There was blood on her nose and lip but it was hard to say if it was hers and if so, where it came from.

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