Chapter 12

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The night was darker than usual and it was wet and cold. Minho was crouching on the top of a building and looked down at the streets of Seoul. A gust of wind hit him and tugged on his black clothes. Minho was used to it. Another day, another mission. There were 4 of them on top of that building waiting for their 5. member who was inside the pompous building a few feet on their right. A gala event was going on but there was a person they needed. It was always the same. Find the person. Wait until they are alone, head them off and get them to the arranged place. And most important – do all of that without getting noticed.

Vir aicha was standing a few feet next to Minho. He hated her. It wasn't that she was bad at her job, she was actually really good but she was loud and liked to stand in the center of attention. But the thing that angered Minho probably the most was, that she actually seemed to enjoy what they were doing.

Minho wasn't bad at what he was doing either. Vir aicha was at the same age as him - as far as the age that she told them was her real one – and Jung-ho once complimented them both and referred to them as his best people.

Whereas Vir aicha was beaming with pride and happiness, Minho wasn't happy at all. He was afraid that it meant that Jung-ho would recruit him for longer – maybe even for forever.

"You are driver Lee K. You know your way?", Minho frowned as he glanced over to Vir aicha. "Of course.", he wasn't in the mood of talking. He was here to get over with this mission. "Oh come on Lee K, stop being so tense. We have done stuff like that over and over again I am bored by this already.", she jumped up on the maybe 8 inches broad railing and balanced on it. Minho who was crouching on the same railing hoped she'd fall off.

"Maybe you'll get lucky and he won't obey. Then you can hurt him a little bit.", another guy, MG, said. He was kind of a laid back guy but he wasn't scared of using violence if he had to. Minho liked him. They "Hung out" once or twice while they were waiting for instructions. MG was quite different outside the job than he was during the mission but that probably counted for Minho as well.

Vir aicha stopped balancing and turned around to their troop who were all standing on the roof a few feet apart. "I wished I could hurt the person more than just a little bit. Maybe cut off some limbs, stab out some eyes, slice open some organs-"

"Shut up already won't you? Just do your fucking job properly and you will soon be able to slice open as much people as you want.", Ysang cut her off. Minho smiled to himself as he probably spoke the words everyone was thinking, Vir aicha just pulled a face as she saw Minho.

Ysang had a slender frame and even though you could only see his eyes you immediately knew that he was no one to fuck around with. He was trained in kenjutsu and two opal shimmering handles from katanas snuck out behind his shoulders. He was wearing all black as almost all of them, a leather coat that reached down to his ankles and was tied together around his waist. Silver details shimmered on it as well as on his face mask and he was wearing a fedora. It gave off a demon-cowboy vibe and Minho was here for it.

Minho had seen him a few times, only short glimpses though as Ysang always seemed to be in movement. Only now he was standing steadily and didn't move an inch. He was very good looking but so unbelievable cold. He looked like the temperature around him obeyed different laws. He looked like no one could be able to melt his frozen shell.

Minho's thought wandered to Jisung. He didn't have a cold aura at all. He spread that fuzzy feeling and his hugs where even fuzzier, you felt warm and secure. Maybe it was this that attracted Minho that much. Everyone in this business and around him was so cold, so harsh – you needed to be so cold and so harsh - otherwise, you wouldn't survive. Minho stroked over his lip, the cut was gone it was only slightly bruised anymore. He felt Jisung's touch on it, a shiver ran down his neck.

Kill me softly - MinsungKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat