Chapter 10

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!Really quick and important authors note!
I realized I never explained but if anybody's confused, of course, Lee Know and Minho are the same person. I just use Lee Know while writing Jisung's point of view ( or any other's pov who only knows him as Lee Know) since he only knows him as Lee Know and I use Minho while writing his point of view since it's his real name. Hope that clears any confusion!
Enjoy the chapter!


"How many different types of freaking peanuts can there even be? Aren't they all just peanuts?", Jisung stood in front of the shelf that held various types of nuts in bright plastic packings. Way too many types, in Jisungs opinion.

He remembered really loving peanuts because his mother used to mix together nut types with bananas and apples and other stuff and as Jisung saw the shelf, he decided to get some again, just for the sake of the old days. He just didn't reckon that there were that freaking many different types. Like, no he didn't want caramel roasted ones or wasabi coated ones. Neither did he want salty or spicy ones. Just plain ass peanuts.

He gave up searching for them after like 10 minutes of unsuccessful search and just settled for the cheapest ones, at that point he didn't even care about their flavor anymore.

Jisung continued strolling through the store. Actually, he already had everything he wanted but he took longer than he needed because he didn't want to return to his apartment just yet. His days got better and he didn't feel that down anymore it was just, that, after doing it for like a week, he got really sick of just sitting in the studio the whole time. He loved making music but he also needed to take breaks, breaks in which he could see a different surrounding for once. That was also the reason why he was in a store quite far away from JYP's headquarter. He wanted to see a different part of the city even though it was already late in the night.

His phone rang. It was Seungmin calling.

"Hey, hey puppy-bae.", Jisung greeted him as he picked up the call.

"Hello and please don't ever call me like that again, thank you.", Jisung grabbed one of the cereal boxes in front of him and looked at the cover. It was a strange looking bee with a cornflake loom or something like that.
"Why not it's a rhyme and a joke. Like a win-win.", he placed the box back into the shelf.
"It was not good and I didn't appreciate it. Anyways are you, by chance, still at the store?", Seungmin really just insulted Jisung's joke. He pouted.
"I am but if you want me to grab something for you then I won't because you don't appreciate my jokes.", the carrier containing all his groceries started to get heavy on his arm.
"Oh come on, just please get us some strawberries?", Jisung just huffed.
"No, you insulted my joke.", he heard Seungmin sighing on his phone, Jisung bit his lips to prevent him from laughing.
"God damn Jisung! Ok, your jokes are the finest I have ever heard, now could you please grab some strawberries for us? Thank you.", Jisung let out a small chuckle.
"Of course I can Seungmini.", with that he ended the call and stuffed away his phone to go over to the fruit area.

It was quite a small store but thankfully it had strawberries and Jisung made his way to the cashier. There was a short line in front of it but Jisung didn't mind. He just took out his phone and strolled a bit through Instagram, nobody would care but he didn't want to look like he had no friends and was just alone here waiting in line which literally everybody else was doing but Jisung was just extra.

Due to that, he didn't notice as a water bottle was leaning very close to the edge of his carrier and just about to fall out. Which it did as Jisung stepped forward because a lady further in front of the line was finished with paying.

"Oh shit.", he leaned down to grab it but just at that moment, the person in front of him did the same. Jisung stood up again and looked at the person who was holding the bottle.

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