|sunny day | Lucas

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B-rabbit28 I'm sorry that it's short and I'm sorry but I can't write lucas (it was my first time writing as him so next time it's going to be better!)
Hope you enjoy!
______________________________________It was a day full of sunshine. No rain, nor black clouds. Boiling outside, boiling inside of your apartment you've lived for 2 years now with your husband.

Lucas, your lovely husband was sitting next to you on the couch reading a newspaper. A bit of sweat dropped from his forehead. Y/n was dying from the heat. Y/n was laying down on the couch facing a fan trying to cool down a little bit.

-I'm going to die.
- I'm pretty sure you will not.
-I'm loosing my 60% of h2o
- I don't want to sound mean but, I think that comment wasn't really necessary.. - he said with a smirk. He's right but, at this day, at this time y/n felt like in volcano. After struggling, y/n decided to bully Lucas a little bit. Y/n laid her cheek on the partners shoulder. It was sweaty but, y/n didn't really cared.

- you said that " you are going to die"
- Well I did but, what about teasing a bit?
- why?
- cuz I want to
Lucas heavily sighed looking at y/n a little confused. Y/n was making weird faces ( trust me, this isn't 18+) to make him laugh. Well, it worked on him as Lucas to hold the laugh at first, but he couldn't. When y/n made the final funny face, Lucas exploded. He hold his stomach even crying. It was a good cry.
- I love you
- yeah, I love myself too Lucas

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