Twenty Eight

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It had been raining a lot recently. Levy looked out of the window, head resting on her knees. She smiled, the Rain was calming. It made her want to sleep, but... she had work to do!

She huffed, grabbing her laptop and some files from the table. She got a text, going to check her phone.

Levy continued to work, biting her lip. She still hadn't told Gajeel exactly what happened, because he was already pretty pissed off about the entire situation, but she was getting there. For now, drowning out the worries with books and work would do.

Gajeel opened the door to Levy's office. "Hey Shrimp. Juvia called, do you wanna go to her party?"

"Yeah! Of course!" Levy nodded. "I just have to finish up."

"You've been working a lot lately," Gajeel came inside, sitting down on Levy's couch and watching her work. "When was the last time you read a book?"

"Like... yesterday," Levy said, barely acknowledging his presence. Gajeel sighed, ruffling her hair.

"Call me when you're ready," And with that, he left. Levy spent the next 30 minutes working, stretching as she stood up. She walked downstairs to see Gajeel on the living room floor laying on his stomach with a feather cat toy, dangling it by the string and teasing Pantherlily by picking it higher up whenever he got close.

Pantherlily meowed impatiently, leaping up again and again. He sighed, sitting down and giving Gajeel the stare of death. By the stare of death, I mean the you-better-do-what-I-want-you-to-before-I-throw-a-tantrum stare. Gajeel sweat, bringing the toy down a little so that Lily could play.

Levy smiled, ceding to take video of this moment. Gajeel was a completely different person when it came to Lily. Business Mode Gajeel was mean and arrogant, with a very short temper. Pantherlily Mode Gajeel was soft and sweet, with all the patience in the world. Gajeel picked Lily up, swinging him around and seeing Levy. He smirked, running over. "Oh? You want some of this too?"

"Gajeel wait, no!" Levy giggled as he picked her up too, Lily sitting comfortably on his head. Gajeel laughed, nuzzling Levy and kissing her forehead.

"I love you, Shrimp. So much," He smirked, Levy blushing.

"I love you too." She smiled.

"So, you're ready to go now?" Gajeel grinned. Levy nodded. "Okay. Let's go."

"Wait, I have to pack a bag!" Levy said quickly.

"Oh, screw it. You can buy whatever you need," Gajeel shrugged. Levy was going to refuse, but squealed as Gajeel started holding her like a sack of potatoes.

"G-GAJEEL! YOU IDIOT, I'M IN A SKIRT!" She exclaimed. Gajeel laughed.

"Gihi! Would you rather me hold you like this~?" Gajeel started holding her bridal style. Levy's face turned red.

"Well yes, this is more comfy—"

"Well then it's settled!" Gajeel continues walking, going to the private airport that they had.

"I can walk on my own, you know!" Levy giggled. Gajeel chuckled. He walked up the stairs, Erza and Jellal running behind him quickly.

"SIR!" Erza screeched, leaping midair and kicking Gajeel. He yelped and sent Levy flying through the air and into Jellal's arms. "What the hell!? You can't just not tell us you're leaving the country!"

"Agh...." Gajeel groaned, laying there and contemplating his life decisions. "I didn't tell you..?"

"No! We were so worried!" Jellal whined, a cucumber stuck on his cheek with a face mask on. His nails looked fresh and he had pink rollers in his hair. "You interrupted Erza and I's special day!"

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