Chapter 59: ‼️

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Akeem's POV

I got Riley to the hospital as quick as I could. As much as she was starting to get on my fucking nerves I couldn't hide the love I had for her. Riley probably would be the death of me one day. Her or Mulan.

Hours of waiting and waiting the doctor came back in.

"Mrs. Ross we are going to have to admit you here. Your leg isn't broken just dislocated. It can be fixed through surgery."

Riley didn't say anything she just stared blankly into the distance. So I spoke up for her.

"That would be fine. Thank you."

Riley got booked into her room and she laid in the bed still quiet. I played with Mulan for awhile until she passed out. The sun was now coming up. I was tired but today was the day I was planning on ending all of this shit.

The atmosphere felt different today for some odd reason. I was deep in my thoughts. My mind went all the way back to the last time I saw my mom. She was a crackhead and she sold me to these streets for a quick fucking fix. I never knew who my dad was. Like every other nigga on the street that was nothing new. I didn't have family only a close friend. Travis. I started selling at a young age. When other kids were at school getting an education, I was selling drugs. I couldn't afford to go anyway. I didn't have a place to stay, school clothes to wear, a fucking toothbrush. Watching the kids come out of school, laughing, and playing with each other.... at the age of 9.... I made a promise to myself that this wasn't the life I was going to keep living.

I always knew that one day, I was going to have a family on my own. I wasn't going to leave my seeds. I was going to be the best dad I could be. I wanted a football team of kids. Little niggas running around everywhere. My mind went back to my first kill. I gave my life over to the hottest nigga in the city during that time named "Rex". He taught me how to shoot a gun resulting in me learning how to dead a nigga off. He gave me my first piece of pussy. He taught me how to flip money, sell product, and run a whole business behind it. Rex always told me that there was no love in the game and for a long time. That's what I went by. Love is what got me here right now in this fucking Hospital.

Riley's phone buzzing in my pocket snapped me out of my daze. I went into the small restroom to check the phone. Monica texted back and asked to meet in a couple of hours at the "Gateway". The "Gateway" was an abandoned bridge that was blocked off and detoured.

Funny shit tho. Travis knows about this place. How the fuck did she know... I texted back in agreement. Shit was about to go down I felt it in my bones. My skin started to get chill bumps and my stomach started to turn. Shit just felt different. I left the bathroom. Riley had a sleeping Mulan in her arms kissing her and holding her tightly. I walked over to the bed and sat down. We both were quiet. I turned over and kissed Mulan on her chubby chocolate arm. Riley gave me a worried look. I leaned to her and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"Where you going?" She asked

"I gotta go handle some shit. I'll be back Ma."

"No you won't. You won't be back." She said as tears fell from her eyes.

"Don't say that Riley Ross."

"I have the same feeling that I had the last time I saw my granny and pa. You don't need to go Akeem. Whatever it is it can wait."

I wiped the tears from her eyes. It had me thinking but shit needed to be handled.

"If I don't you and Mulan will have everything you need. Just know I did it for y'all. Everything I do is for y'all."

I got up from the bed and walked out of the room. Rash texted me letting me know he was outside.

2 hours passed ....

I put my niggas on alert about what was about to go down. I strapped myself heavy with guns just in case. You could never be sure. Travis was up to something I felt it.

We took separate cars. Rash and the rest of the niggas rode together and hid the car under the bridge. My car was out in the open. I waited for what felt like forever... I saw a dark blue Honda creeping up ... the windows was tinted. I held the gun in my hand waiting on the shit to pop off.

It seemed like everything went in slow motion. The car pulled right beside mines. My heart began to beat heavily.
The car window began to roll down Akeem saw the barrel of a shotgun aimed at his window.



The glass window of the car shattered into pieces and blood shot from his chest. The stinging feeling he felt was unexplainable.

Akeem felt his life slowly leaving his body . He pulled himself  to the back of the car as quickly as He could and laid there.

Travis got out of the car and walked to the window. He looked at Akeem with the feeling of relief .... he had killed him.

Quickly, Akeem sent off four shots to Travis.


The first hit him in the head and the rest in the chest.


I was shot repeatedly. Once in the neck and one in the chest. I knew this was the end for me. I thought about Riley and Mulan. A tear fell from my eye.

"FUCK!" I yelled out

I watched my blood stain the back seat. My body started to lock up. I went numb and darkness covered my eyes ....


DoubtsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora