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("Kat, why are you posting so many fluffy scenarios?" Tbh, I have no clue. But angst scenarios will be coming soon! I just need to think of some...)
(If cg/l makes you uncomfterble, please ignore this page and please don't give me death threats in the comment section. Thank you.)

CG/L is an acronym for Caregiver/Little. It's where someone in a relationship acts as a babysitter/parental figure(Caregiver), while the other in a relationship with someone acts like a kid(Little) that the caregiver has to look after.
This is consensual, and is used to help cope with anxiety, a bad childhood, depression, etc.
CG/L can also be non-sexual or sexual, but mainly non-sexual.
In this case: non-sexual CG/L angst or fluff. Mainly fluff, though. Seriously. Expect cavities.

I can't think of any scenarios for cg/l  right now, but I'm interested on what scenarios you have for it!

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