14 - Devoured_By_BUNNIES

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Wattitude interview with @Devoured_By_BUNNIES

Interviewed by @AndreaPorcelainDoll

Q: How did you become a Wattpadder?

A: My sister joined; then I did.

Q: What story genre do you enjoy reading the most?

A: Romance it's pretty much the only thing that can be so unrealistic and real at the same time lol (if that makes sense).

Q: Favourite Wattpad story?

A: Mmm there's a lot so far I'm digging- "The Simple Things" by Hannah Cuckler and "Tall, Dark and Hairy...?" by Coco Little.

Q: Your most memorable moment in Wattpad?

A: When an author that I idolized added my story to their library, or reaching 100,000 views.

Q: What makes your stories different from all the others?

A: Well I don't exactly know... I just write about what's comfortable whether it's cliché or not.

Q: What motivates you to keep writing?

A: Sometimes my fans and plus I have a major pet peeve when it comes to books. I can never leave a book uncompleted. It feels rude to the fans or something... lol

Q: How do you conquer writers' block?

A: I really don't usually have writers' block, I always know how my stories are going to end so there isn't writers' block. Of course there are those stories I hate writing, but I do it for the people who love them even if it takes forever for me to upload.

Q: Something random about yourself?

A: I hate those parts in books where characters will be betrayed then forgive the betrayer like it never happened. UNREALISTIC!!!

Q: Where do you get your inspiration?

A: Sometimes it's music other times it's random; the other day (yesterday) I was watching my sister pet our fat cat and I came up with a pregnancy novel lol.

Q: Would you like to say anything to your loyal readers?

A: I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YALLLLLLLLL! I just want to spank you all because you're so sexy :) And I want to say thanks to everyone who's fanned me and even read my books. When I joined I had no goals- all I wanted to do was write and that's what I did. Thanks to all my fans and to my haters... get stomped Homie!

Wattitude Magazine - September 2012Where stories live. Discover now