10 - The Fashion Passion!

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"The Fashion Passion!" by Askgirl

     These days, finding cute and affordable back-to-school clothes and accessories can be a challenge! But here are some ideas to help save your closet and your wallet!

*Step One- Clearance!*

    When back-to-school shopping, don't go straight to the newest inventory. Usually, those clothes are way overpriced! Instead, go to the clearance rack. Even if you don't love all of the clothes, there's usually a way you can make them look better. Make sure to buy accessories on clearance as well- they can come in handy! Though shopping clearance is an affordable way to go, it might not always be the most fashionable. Here's what I suggest: Divide your money up using paperclips for each store you plan on going to. Then, mentally divide those into what you're going to spend on clearance and what you're going to spend on the rest. Don't forget to keep a little extra out for those unplanned stores!

*Step Two- Redesign!*

    I'm a fashion designer, so when I see old clothes that I think can be transformed into something amazing, I take that challenge! Now that you've gone shopping, you can take your clearance items adn accessories and redesign! It can be as complex as cutting and sewing, or as simple as adding a belt to a shirt. Look at your old clothes, too- they can also be transformed into an original, one-of-a-kind, you piece! I like to rip the necks of those pesky T-shirts that they give you on field trips and special events. You can also cut out the logos and sew  them onto a plain, fitted tee.

*Step Three- Accessorize!*

    Sometimes, a dull outfit can be made super stylin' by adding accessories. But be careful- don't over-accessorize! Over-accessorizing can make an outfit look too busy. Some outfits just require a cute clip and some wrist bangles; others, you can add belts, necklaces, hats, and more!

*Step Four- Makeup!*

    DO NOT- I repeat, DO NOT- wear too much makeup! Wearing too much makeup makes you look fake. The goal of this year is all natural. For makeup, I suggest first putting on concealer where needed. Then, a thin line of a light colored eyeliner such as pink or light blue. Simply add a fruit-flavored lip gloss for lip color.

     Always remember, be yourself when it comes to fashion. Don't take other people's style- express yourself through yours. Be daring, be fun, be cool, be stylish. Thanks for reading!

For additional help or questions/comments/concerns, contact me at askgirlwattpad@gmail.com with the title "The Fashion Passion!", and I'll respond ASAP! 

Wattitude Magazine - September 2012Where stories live. Discover now