6 - Advertising (Horror)

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"Breaking Away" http://www.wattpad.com/story/1810646-breaking-away


Horror / Romance

A terrifying epidemic has ravaged through the United States and Noah barely escapes with his life after the virus attacks those closest to him. In a time when death is imminent and the only necessity is survival, friendship and love unexpectedly sneaks into Noah’s life and helps him cope with the destruction of the land he used to call home.

"Don't Be Afraid" http://www.wattpad.com/story/1585879-don%27t-be-afraid


Horror / Paranormal

Rule #1: Never be alone...always have someone with you; no matter where you are.

Rule #2: Don't acknowledge their presence or you'll give them the satisfaction of scaring you.

Rule #3: Always, and I mean always have a crucifix with you no matter where you are.

Rule #4: Pray every night, every day, when you eat, and when you sleep. Keep faith.

Rule #5: Don't let them get to you. They'll destroy your sanity and everything you believe in. They'll break you down until you're nothing.

Rule #6: And lastly—don't be afraid.

"A Demon's Vow" http://www.wattpad.com/story/1606933-a-demon%27s-vow


Horror / Romance

Maya Carver is a decidedly normal person, quiet and introverted in nature, but wishes she were more outgoing. Her live drastically changes one fated night when she comes face-to-face with a grotesque demon. It agrees to spare her life, but in exchange, promises never to tell anyone that she saw him or else he'll kill her. Left unconscious in an alleyway, she is rescued by a gentleman named Sam who seems to understand her quiet nature and finds her very attractive. The two fall in love, and she couldn't be happier. But the memory of a gruesome attack and a dark promise threatens to relieve her of her sanity. Will she tell Sam the truth, or will she keep her vow, even at the cost of her life?

"The Doll Maker's Curse" http://www.wattpad.com/story/922637-the-doll-maker%27s-curse-completed-watty-awards-2012


Horror / Short Story (Watty Awards 2012)

"The Doll-Maker seemed like a nice man; short, over-weight, dimples in his smiling cheeks... I felt it was only right to help such a kind man. He may even give me a doll for doing so..." Why has the Doll-maker cursed and killed such a fine young girl? "I awoke swimming in my bed, screaming and drowning in my sheets..." Why does the girl feel like this? So frightened and scared? "The girl’s eyes were empty, glazed over. They would be forever, wide opened, engulfing the sad world to try and fill the vacuity of a thoughtless mind..." How did the Doll-Maker create such monstrous things? Was he a god or a Monster?

"The Obsession" http://www.wattpad.com/story/1425331-the-obsession


Horror / Thriller (Watty Awards 2012)

Corbett is a killer...and it is just something he can't stop doing. At first it felt good and exciting, but through the story it becomes almost like an addiction for him. He then meets a girl that makes him think differently and reduces his urge to kill. Will this new person in his life make him change permanently? Or will his obsession be stronger?

Wattitude Magazine - September 2012Where stories live. Discover now