12 - Wattitude's Advice Column

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Hey everyone! Welcome to Wattitude's Advice Column.

So basically, this is an advice column where you, our beloved readers, ask us questions and we try our best to answer. You can ask about anything- school, relationships, love, friends, bullies, writing, health...

We'll listen and lend an ear, because let's face it- life is tough, and it's better to go through a problem with someone there to help.

Now let's start with the introductions. We have three advice columnists who are willing to help.

First up is Sandra- I'm Sandra. I love to write, read, and  swim. My other hobbies include ballroom dancing and having fun with friends.

Next is Breanna- I'm Breanna. My favorite color is pink. My friends always come to me for help. They usually call me the Peacemaker.

And lastly, we have CC- I'm CC. I'm an average teenager. I can't really sing will but I love music. I'm a Christian.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let the questioning begin! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Q: How can I get more reads on Wattpad? I feel like I'm writing and no one is appreciating it.

When I started on Wattpad, I also felt like that. I doubted myself a lot and thought maybe I'm just not cut out for this. But the truth is, you can't give up on something you love; many times in life you're going to come across people who won't like you, and those who do.

The exact same thing goes for your writing. Some are going to love it, and there are those who are going to hate it. It doesn't mean you should quit! In fact, it means that you should try even harder to improve your writing... take it as a challenge! My advice to those who wonder about getting reads and votes and getting your story out there is primarily not to give up! The moment you give up, then only do you lose.

Here on Wattpad we have many clubs for the different stories being written- you can try advertising and getting your story out there. Also I think it helps if your story has a very catchy description, and a good cover that draws a reader's eye; remember, we like what looks good! So if it  looks good and sounds good, most people will give it a try. One more thing, guys, before I sign off... grammar is important, so if you feel like you have a brilliant plot and it will draw readers, but you feel that your spelling and grammar is not up to par- don't give up on the idea! Get yourself an editor- there are many people here on Wattpad who would be willing to help you out!

If any one has any more questions for me, PM me @SandraLopez and I'm only too willing to help you out! :)


Cliques... you have them. I know you. But that's where the problem starts. Once you have your cliques of friends and you see a new person, if the first thing on your mind is "don't let them in", STOP. Take a minute to think about how you would feel if that happened to you- I bet that feeling isn't too nice. We all need to step outside the box and be friendly. It doesn't matter what others think. If your group of  friends are going to think bad of you when you step outside the box, then they aren't your friends and they won't think a second to replace you. Remember to treat others the way you want to be treated. A smile will go a long way!

If you have any questions that you'd like me to answer, all you have to do is PM me @BreannaLoyd.


Question: I have a younger sibling and every now and then my younger sibling would ask my parents to buy this and that for my younger sibling but when I would ask they would always tell me no. What should I do? I know my parents love me but sometimes I can't help but feel like they have a favourite among us.

Dear Reader,

Honestly, I know exactly how you feel. I have a younger brother and he can be really irritating at times- but I still love him. Just think of this this way: you're older and your parents think that you're more responsible and mature. They know that you will understand it better when they say no to things that aren't necessary. So don't worry- your parents love you both equally! It's just that your younger sibling needs more care since he/she is still young. Just be a good role model to your younger sibling and take  good care of him/her. Also, don't forget to pray about this if you still need more guidance.

~God bless! If you want to ask me for advice or have any questions for me, just message me @AnalyticDecoder or one of our other advice columnists. We'll do our best to help! :)

We all hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for reading and take care folks! BYE :)

Wattitude Magazine - September 2012Where stories live. Discover now