> if you kick a rock, it will hurt your foot.

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16th August.

     "You want to break off the engagement because he slept with another girl?" Mr Kwon scoffed, staring at his daughter as though she were insane.
     "I can't marry someone who doesn't love me," Hyerin's voice cracked, "even if I love him so much."
Sighing, Mr Kwon folded his arms as he leant back in his chair.
     "My child, you know how this industry work - Kkangpae have never been ones to be faithful. It's how the system works. You know that - most of us have many mistresses."
     "Wooyoung was different---"
     "No, sweetheart. Wooyoung is an incredible Kkangpae. He works hard, he gets results. He deserves a bit of relaxation every now and then - wouldn't you rather him do that than constantly ask you for satisfaction?" Mr Kwon shook his head, "Wooyoung's a good young man and you're lucky to be marrying him."
     "I'm not marrying him," Hyerin's voice rose, "It's not the 1600s anymore father - I am my own woman."
Mr Kwon's eyes narrowed.
     "You dare speak to me like that?"
     "He hurt me," Hyerin whimpered, "if it were anyone else, you'd have them killed---"
     "Are you fucking suggesting I assassinate the son of Korea's most dangerous Kkangpae gang?"
Abruptly standing to his feet, Mr Kwon approached his daughter fast - before suddenly wrapping his fingers tightly around her neck.
     "F-Father--" she choked, desperately attempting to pull his hand away. Her eyes stung with hot, painful tears, and her throat began to burn, "I-I'm sorry..."
     "You ungrateful wench," Mr Kwon snarled, "the man is far too good for some common whore like you - you're lucky he even considered marrying you."
He forcefully threw her down onto the floor, and Hyerin burst into terrified sobs, lying shaking on the carpet.
     "Get out of my office," Mr Kwon spat, "you're no daughter of mine."
Staggering to her feet, Hyerin choked on loud, painful tears. And as she burst out into the house's lush corridor, her eyes met Wooyoung's - who immediately stood up, noticing the red marks branding her throat.
     "Don't...just don't," she swallowed, looking away from the Korean business men sat beside him, "you're here to do a deal - that's what's important, right?"


     He leant against the doorway - arms folded, tie loose, top buttons undone, jacket draped over his shoulder - watching her move around the bedroom carefully.
     "You didn't come back here last night," he said quietly, "I was worried about you."
     "I stayed at Jewel's," Hyerin's voice was barely audible.
Sighing, Wooyoung dropped his jacket onto the dresser, before folding his arms - frowning.
     "When you came out of your father's office today---"
     "I don't want to talk about it."
     "He told me you wanted to break off the engagement."
Hyerin's entire body froze - a sudden wave of fear washing over her.
     "I-I'm sorry..."
     "What did he do to you?" Wooyoung cut across her gently, "did he hurt you?"
As he approached her, he lifted her chin up to study to the marks still left on her skin.
     "Leave it," Hyerin bit her lip, "he just lost his temper."
     "And strangled you?" Wooyoung looked off, clearly annoyed - and as he opened his mouth again, Hyerin spoke up coldly.
     "Why do you even care?" she whispered, "I'm just another girl to you - aren't I? What makes me different from all the other girls you have sex with."
She moved to step away, but before she could Wooyoung curled his hand around her wrist, yanking her body back against his.
     "Because I love you," he whispered in her ear, "and I'd kill for you."
     "I don't need you to kill for me," she closed her eyes, "I needed you to be faithful."


     3 years ago.

     "Hyerin, sweetheart, I'd like you to meet Jung Wooyoung."
Upon her father's call, the young 15 year old rose her head from her schoolwork, meeting the dark, mesmorising gaze of an attractive teenage boy.
     "This is Hyerin," Mr Kwon purred, "my only daughter."
Wooyoung bowed politely, not breaking their locked eyes - and his lips curled into a charming smirk.
     "Hi," he murmured.
     "Wooyoung just turned 16," Mr Kwon said slowly, watching as they approached each other, a clear spark igniting, "I and his father work together - we thought it would be nice if you two...got to know each other..."
Wooyoung's eyes sparkled.
     "We're not complaining," he breathed.
     "You're very sure of yourself," Hyerin laughed, softly, allowing him to lean against the desk beside her.
     "Well, I'm not wrong, am I?" Wooyoung chuckled, his hand brushing against hers teasingly.
     "No..." Hyerin sunk her teeth into her lower lip, "you're not wrong..."


     "He's always been a charming bastard," Jewel muttered, "but you can't cave! He did you wrong, boo, he needs to learn."
     "I miss him," Hyerin cried, "I miss him so bad."
     "He's a jerk for doing that to you," Jewel said firmly, "you need to make him regret ever even thinking about anyone but you."
Laughing sadly, Hyerin ran her hand over her mouth slowly.
     "He cried," she said softly, "at least, he was going to. And he sounded so worried when my father...ah..."
     "Don't let him do this to you," Jewel growled, "he hasn't even apologised for what he's done."
Bowing her head, Hyerin held back a fresh flow of tears.
     "He made me feel safe, you know? And loved. Until I caught him in bed with her. H-He flipped when he saw me with another guy so...so he still cares, right?"
     "Honestly babe," Jewel bowed her head, "I don't know if he does. He hasn't even tried to fix things."
      "You're right," Hyerin said quietly, her face icy, "he hasn't even tried. He hasn't tried because he thinks I'll just come running right back and give him what he wants. Well I'll show him. I'll show him everything he can't have."

17th August

     "Mr Jung, sir, there's a Miss Hyerin Kwon here to see you?"
The group of men looked up to watch as the attractive young woman stepped into the large, lavish office - a black trench coat wrapped around her petite body, and an emotionless expression that only interested the men more. Sighing, Wooyoung perched on the front edge of his desk, arms folded.
     "Hyerin, can this wait? I don't have time to argue---"
     "Get out," she murmured, "all of you bar your boss get out."
The men glanced at each other in confusion, some shocked, some clearly pissed. Hyerin continued, softly, "or I'll tell Kwon Seokman you dared disobey his daughter."
Immediately they sunk into a deep bows, before filing out hurriedly - fearing for their lives if they didn't oblige. Wooyoung, however, sat in the same position, one eyebrow raised.
     "Was that necessary? If you're just here to fucking argue Hyerin I'm not emotio..." he broke off, gulping as the black trench fell heavily to the floor. In it's place wore the sexiest dark red lingerie he'd ever seen in his entire life. The laced bra made her chest look so inviting, and the blood red see through material attached to the band of the bra came out like curtains to her upper thigh - stopping just past underwear with barely any material. Hyerin approached, reaching out to wrap her fingers around his tie and pull herself close against his body.
     "What are you doing?" Wooyoung moaned softly, "this isn't fair..."
     "You really think they're better than me?" Hyerin bit his ear lobe delicately as she purred into it, "don't lie...I know you think about me when you were doing them."
Swallowing, Wooyoung nodded. She was right. So right it terrified him.
     "Does...does this mean you've forgiven me?" he stammered.
Scoffing, Hyerin pulled him away from the desk and pushed him down into his leather chair; she straddled him, running her warm hands up his shirt.
     "No," she leant in, her breath tickling his neck teasingly, "this is just what you lost - what you gave up - when you chose to hurt me."
     "I...I didn't mean to ever hurt you," Wooyoung groaned, feeling her hand slide down his trousers, "I really fu-ucking love you."
     "So why did you cheat on me?" she hissed in his ear.
Wooyoung's voice cracked desperately.
     "Because I-I was scared. I was fucking terrified."
     "Of what?" Hyerin croaked, too scared of the answer.
     "Of me getting you hurt," Wooyoung grunted, rolling his head back, "of someone realising just how much I loved you and using you to get to me."
Hearing those words, Hyerin pulled away and rose to her feet. Silently she stumbled away, snatching up her coat and wrapping it back around her body - leaving Wooyoung breathless and unfinished.
     "You can confuse me, Jung Wooyoung," she murmured, "which is why I'm officially breaking up with you."

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