> control.

131 6 1

1st August

     His soft moans in her twitching ear made her back arch desperately - and her nails dug into his back like claws as his kiss slowly ran down her neck. Firm hands held her thighs loosely as they wrapped around his waist; with every movement her back was slammed against the cold wall and she wrapped her fingers through his purple hair - rolling her head back. Suddenly pressing his lips against hers, he easily picked her up before throwing her down onto his bed. He fell with her, grinning as she released a laughing squeal. Her sparkling eyes only fueled his lust for her, and he wrapped his hands around her wrists, holding them high above her head while she cried out in desperation. Begs to go faster, or harder, or to not stop made him smirk. Their eyes met, and her heart fluttered crazily as she gazed into those snake-like orbs, his soft smirk and dark brown pupils remaining burnt in her brain like a hot branding iron. Minutes later they fell apart, breathless and weak - his arm lazily around her shoulders and her head resting in his chest.
     "We need to go," she murmured, "my father's expecting us at the restaurant."
Licking his lower lip, Wooyoung looked down to study her soft, attractive features.
     "You get better every time," he breathed, "if I didn't know better, Hyerin, I'd say you've been practicing without me."
Laughing gently, Hyerin pulled herself up to straddle him, resting her hands delicately on his chest.
     "You'd know I'd never," she purred, "now c'mon, babe, get dressed."
Wooyoung chuckled, suddenly sitting up and pulling her close.
     "I love it when you call me babe."
     "And I love it when you get - fucking - dressed," she teased, hitting him playfully. Wooyoung laughed as he abruptly stood up, throwing her over his shoulder, fireman style.
     "All you do is nag," he joked, as she kicked his chest with a soft squeal.
     "Wooyoung," she whined, "we need to go..."
     "I know babe," he chuckled, allowing her to slide down onto her feet, "let me jump into the shower real quick."
     "I'll join you," Hyerin nodded.
Wooyoung tilted his head with a smirk, softly flicking her chin.
     "Ooo? Will you now? Sounds sensual..."
     "No funny business!" Hyerin warned, "we've got to be quick."
     "Fine, fine," he rose his hands, "I promise I won't even try."


     Wooyoung lazed on the bed, legs stretched out, eyes lightly closed as he waited for his girlfriend to finish getting dressed. Hearing the bathroom door click open, he slowly opened one eye, catching sight of her elegant legs before him. He immediately sat up, eyes snapping open to run his gaze up - up to her short sequin hemmed bodycon dress, the summery nude colour molding with the rose gold glitter that lined a low v-neck showing off her chest. The cloth clung to her curves perfectly, accentuating her wide hips, her small waist; it made his mouth go dry as he watched her slip her feet into a pair of rose gold heels - taking her from a 5'2, to a 5'6.
     "You look...amazing..." he groaned, rising to his feet smoothly. Blushing as Wooyoung approached, Hyerin allowed him to wind his arms around her waist, tugging her close.
     "You do too," she smiled, adjusting his shirt's open collar slightly, "this suit looks good on you."
     "I've got to impress your dad," he purred.
Giggling, Hyerin shook her head - kissing him delicately.
     "He already loves you."
Shrugging, Wooyoung followed the kiss up, pushing into lightly.
     "I love you," he mumbled.
Hyerin gasped softly, stumbling backwards slightly to stare up into his piercing eyes - his smirk sending butterflies to her stomach.
     "I...you love me?" she whispered.
Grinning, Wooyoung rubbed his neck as he ran one hand up her hip.
     "I love you."
     "I love you too," Hyerin bit her lip, an overwhelming flood of happiness washing over her.
     "Let's go," Wooyoung murmured, "before I stop being able to resist ripping your dress off."


     "Wooyoung," Mr Kwon said warmly, bowing to greet his daughter's boyfriend, "it's good to see you again, son."
     "And you sir," Wooyoung's voice was thick with charm.
     "Come, sit next to me," Mr Kwon purred, "I'd love to chat with you about your father's latest business ventures. Is he still running those chains of casinos?"
     "Yes, sir," Wooyoung smoothly took a seat, coughing as he bowed his head to discreetly speak, "I believe he's stretched out into firearms."
     "Ah..." Mr Kwon purred, "there's a reason your father is known to fellow Kkangpae as Songalag. Has his fingers everywhere. Firearms you say? I assume he took a deal with the Chinese."
     "A shipment of heroin and guns were shipped out this morning to Beijing," Wooyoung murmured.
     "I can get him some new models if he's interested," Mr Kwon rolled his head back lazily, motioning for the waiter to bring the wine, "for a percentage, of course."
     "I'll let him know," Wooyoung smirked, "but I can't promise we're...interested..."
Mr Kwon's sharp eyes studied the young man carefully, before turning his gaze to his young daughter.
     "How old are you now, Hyerin, sweetheart?"
Looking up from her conversation with her mother, Hyerin tilted her head.
     "I'm 18, father."
     "Ah..." Mr Kwon chuckled, "and you, Wooyoung? You're 19, correct?"
     "Correct, sir."
     "It would be nice to see you make an honest woman of my daughter," Mr Kwon coughed, reaching into his pocket, "which is why I spoke with your father - and we came to a decision."
Wooyoung and Hyerin's eyes met across the table - hers filled with ear; his emotionless.
     "This was your grandmother's ring," Mrs Kwon said softly, "you two have been dating for 3 years now - our families would benefit from this alliance."
     "Mother..." Hyerin swallowed, "Mother, are you suggesting we get married?"
Wooyoung choked on his drink, coughing in shock.
     "How are you this slow?"
     "It's a lot to take in," Hyerin said sharply, "I'm 18 - I can't---"
     "We weren't asking," Mr Kwon said coldly, "everything has been organised. You and Wooyoung are now engaged."
     "Wooyoung..." Hyerin bit her lip, "babe I..."
     "There's nothing I can do," he said quietly, "your parents are right. It would be beneficial."
Hyerin's eyes flashed.
     "Did you know about this?"
     "My father mentioned it."
     "Is this why you told me you loved me?" her voice cracked, "after three years, the only time you say you love me is for some arranged marriage shit."
Wooyoung flinched, sighing impatiently.
     "Don't take this out on me, Hye."
     "Don't talk to me like that," she retaliated in a hiss, "I'm not getting married - I'm 18 for fuck's sake. You don't fucking own me."
She sharply rose to her feet, running her fingers anxiously through her hair - aware she was pissing off her Kkangpae boss father and a Kkangpae boss's son.
     "Hyerin, sit down," Wooyoung looked up at her with cold eyes, his voice thick with authority, "let's talk about this."
     "There's nothing to talk about," she snapped.
Slowly he stood, his snake-like eyes flashing with pure venom.
     "I said sit down."
His low, dangerous growl scared the young woman to the core, and she swallowed before silently and shakily sitting back down. Watching as Wooyoung did the same, Hyerin felt her heart contort - he'd never spoken to her like that before. She'd never been on the receiving end of his threatening glare before. It fucking hurt. The smirk on her father's face made her sick to the stomach.
     "My dear, this is the best for everyone."
     "I don't want to get married," Hyerin whispered, "what about school? My aspirations?"
     "You can still do all those things," Mrs Kwon insisted quickly, "until you and Wooyoung choose to have kids---"
     "Ah..." Hyerin scoffed, closing her eyes, "I see. I'm just some fucking object to pump kids out of, right? I'm a woman - why would I want a career?"
     "Kids are out of the question for a long time," Wooyoung's voice was suddenly soft, "I know what you want to do - and of course you can still do that."
Hyerin's eyes snapped open.
     "I didn't need your permission."
Wooyoung's lips twitched. That fire was the reason he loved her.
     "Hyerin, baby, can we talk in private?"
Flinching as he reached across the table to delicately pick up her hand, she avoided his gaze - suddenly to terrified to even look at him. Was someone who could change that quickly worth trusting? But she obliged; and quietly she followed him out behind the restaurant - where she leant against the wall, head bowed.
     "I do love you, Rinnie," Wooyoung said softly, resting his hand on the wall beside her, "I've always loved you. I told you now because there's no way we can stop this - and I thought it would be easier for you if you knew exactly how I felt."
     "The way you spoke to me," Hyerin whispered, "it was like I was a piece of dirt."
Wooyoung sighed, staring deep into her eyes.
     "I'm sorry...I just, I got impatient," he cupped his hand under her chin loosely, "babe, I don't want this any more than you do. But your parents are right; it benefits our families. Besides...we love each other, right? What would be so wrong with getting engaged?"
     "Wooyoung..." Hyerin began weakly, unable to resist his perfect smile and soul-searching eyes.
     "It's not like we have to get married right away," Wooyoung breathed, "for a while it would just be show for our families...until we're ready."
Hiding the small smile licking at her pink lips, Hyerin took a deep breath.
     "Fine," she said quietly, "fine. But I swear to God, Wooyoung, if they stop me from going to university---"
Laughing, Wooyoung suddenly hooked his arms under legs - picking her up easily.
     "I promise," he grinned, "how could I keep that amazing brain from the world?"
Hyerin giggled, sliding her arms around his neck.
     "You're a charmer, Jung Wooyoung," she murmured, "it's dangerous."
Wooyoung's eyes sparkled, his tongue sliding over his lower lip carefully.
     "I know," he smirked, "I know."

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