Chapter 20

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The closer Friday got, the more nervous I became. Dad and Larry watched me closely at home, but I tried not to let anything show. The funny thing is, I was more scared than happy about it. I actually lost my appetite on Friday. I skipped breakfast, and poked at my lunch while George kept his arm around me and squeezed me randomly. I leaned on him and tried to ignore the looks Dan was giving me. The four of us were alone today because Susan and Don were at an extra rehearsal for the upcoming musical in November. I think they said it was Romeo and Juliet this year.

I don't get how they can turn that classic into a musical and call it art. I never have. That's part of why I stopped performing and left drama at the start of high school.

Mario stared at his tray, ignoring me like he had all day. I couldn't blame him. After all, I was going on a date tonight. George worked until five, and I had the day off. Mrs. Scott was filling in for me. That way, I'd have plenty of time to get ready and start on my homework.

After school, Mario said his first words of the day to me: "Need a ride?"

"Not really. Larry has to go straight home, and I was going to ride with him." I shrugged. "But thanks anyway." I forced a smile.

He closed the locker and put his hands in his pockets. "So, um, you're going out with George tonight. Hope you guys have fun."

"Yeah." We walked towards the exit in silence. "I'll call you when I get home," I said, pausing at the door.

He walked through and held it open for me. "I don't think that's such a good idea, Daisy."

"Why not? We usually hang out on Friday night."

He sighed and resumed walking. "Do what you want, Daze." He jogged to his car.

I crossed my arms as Larry pulled to the curb. When I got in, he was watching Mario. "What's up with him?"

"Don't worry about it. Let's go home. I need to shower and start my homework." Larry glanced at me, and it told me he didn't quite believe my nonchalant act. I was trying to believe it. I wanted to believe it. More than that, I wished it to be true.

That whole afternoon I was on edge. My mind kept giving me little scenarios about what George may do and how I should react, or imagining how I would feel if that happened. I couldn't get a break from it all afternoon. By the time six rolled around and he was supposed to be picking me up, I was pacing, just trying to work off some of the nervous energy.

Dad finally wandered into my room. "Honey, please stop that. It sounds like you're trying to wear out the floor downstairs." I sat on my bed and he left.

While I sat there in silence, I let myself think about things I'd been avoiding. What was Jimmy talking about when he said Mario had sycophants? Mario had obviously been hiding something. I knew it from that first day. Being with him had made me put it out of my head. In part because that was easier but mostly because being with him made me forget. I tended to forget about everything and everyone. It was like nothing and no one existed besides us.

No, I wasn't quite in love with him, but I liked him more than any other guy I'd ever met.

George was like my good friend, the guy I'd probably call if my car broke down two states over, or if I had a fight with Larry, I'd go to him to vent.

"Daisy!" Dad called up the stairs. "George is here!"

My realization dissipated, but the truth stuck with me. I wasn't in love with George. My lower lip trembled as I stood to look in the mirror. What we had wasn't there anymore. The flame or desire had gone out.

I took a deep breath and focused on my reflection. My hair was in waves, I had on my favorite dress, and I had put on a pair of low heels that matched. I looked okay, but my smile was missing. The girl looking back at me didn't look happy. She looked more like she was losing her best friend.

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