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(Felix's POV))

My feet were now walking on their own towards this Ivan. No one messes with my Toris without also having to deal with me! It seemed like I caught the attention of the other two boys, I would hope so, a pretty boy wearing a fantastic outfit walking intently to their leader (and you BET i'm trying to be intimidating as FUCK) should catch some sort of attention.

"Um, Ivan?" I heard the smaller boy timidly say, not looking away from me.

"What.. what is it now??" And as Ivan was turning to face his small gang, I battlement ((a high kick in dance)) right between his legs, kicking him as hard as I could in the dick. It was definitely satisfying watching him fall to the ground, it was like it was in slow motion! I can definitely say that was the most badass thing i've ever done.

"Don't mess with Toris again, like, literally EVER again. Hear me???" I bent down a bit to Ivan to talk to him, his two buddy's seemingly frozen in their place. I just heard a soft mumble along with a nod coming from Ivan, "great! I hope we can put this behind us so that, if we do see each other again, I don't do anything worse" I whisper to him, unable to hold back a grin because, again, one of the most badass things i've ever done.

I stand up and quickly make my way over to Toris, who was just looking at me in awe; well, the most he could with that swollen black eye.

"How did you do that??"

"I'm in ballet. You know how strong your abs and legs have to be to stand on point for a whole show?!" I mentioned with a chuckle as I help my lovely prince up from the floor, just as the other two were helping Ivan. I glair back to the bully, and to his friends because how dare they not try to hold him back!

"I-I'm not scared of you" Ivan said as he was trying to regain his composure.

"Well you sure do sound scared of me!" Why does he carry that fake confidence and that fake strength, it just hurts people. "Now If you excuse us, I'm gonna continue shopping." I said to the group of three, taking Toris' hand and leading him back to the dressing room hallway. Finally safe again,

"I'm alr-"

"Oh my god Toris are you ok??" I accidentally interrupt as I take his cheeks into my hands to examine the harm that was caused to him. "I know you're saying your ok, but-" his eye was swollen, and turning a dark blue and maroon. He even had a split eyebrow, it's not deep so it isn't that bad, but still. "If you want, we can just pay for the things right now and we can get you home?"

"Nah, I'm fine! You can finish your shopping" his smile was so soft, looking at me with these kind eyes, making my heart absolutely melt.

There was an awkward silence then, of me just holding his face in my hands, both of us wondering if the other is ok. After a moment, Toris looks down a bit in his cute awkwardness, making me smile, but then I felt his hands resting on my waist. Now it was the two of us holding onto each other in the quiet moment. When I felt his hands ever so slightly on my waist, like he was scared to hold me any more then he would a delicate flower, I decided that this is the best moment to try this.

I kissed him.

I kissed him right on his lips. It was just a soft and innocent thing, my lips just resting on his, until he kissed me back. My chest fluttered at the feeling of Toris' chapped lips gently glide across my own. Time was in standstill, us two were the only people in the universe. The awkwardness of the silence turned to a bliss, i'm so happy he feels the same way. But of course, even the most perfect of moments cannot last forever. I was the one to pull away first, knowing that if we didn't stop then we'd probably get caught, and i don't know how Toris feels about being outed like that.

"Nah, I don't need to finish my shopping, I already got enough for today. We can just go home and you can read me more Shakespeare or somthin" I appealed to my prince, softly booping his nose as I beamed with delight over the exchange we just shared. I pulled away softly from Toris to go change into my clothes.

"W-wait, so you're not- we're not going to talk about-" he seemed absolutely frozen, his cheeks and ears a solid blush red.

"Nope~! At least not now in a public space where people can hear us talking about- how we just kisssssseeedd!" whispering the last part, I saw him starting to fidget with his nails, his eyes wide with his deep blush. Cute~

I quickly changed, and Toris bought the things I had picked out. The ride home was quiet too, but a peaceful soft quiet that rarely happens; my hands rested on his as he steered and as I steadied myself on the handlebars. We got home just at the beginning of sunset, Toris going to put his bike away as I headed inside to put my stuff away.

"Welcome back! Find what you were looking for?" Mrs Laurinaitis welcomed as I walked in. All I could imagine was kissing Toris, and I know that's not what she meant by finding what i was looking for, but hot damn!

"Yep!!" I answered simple and right to the point, "oh and also, there was a little scuffle  at the store between Toris, myself, and this bully." Just as I was explaining it, Toris walked in, and i took his hand to to lead him to the bathroom to patch him up, "nothing to worry about though!"

I sat him down on the closed toilet, looking through the cabinets for things to use to clean up the small amount of blood that dripped down his face from his eyebrow.

"I'm fine Felix, really. I've cleaned up things like this before myself, it's ok"

"Hell no it isn't, i'm doin this! Where's your peroxide" this time I'll be his knight in shining armor.

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